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A/n: Mentions of suicides and abuse are in this chapter. You have been warned. 

"Thank you for helping me clean up," Rose said to Remus, who kindly helped Rose with picking up everyone's coffee cups. Everyone was scattered around as they discussed among themselves as to what they were actually going to do in this situation. Most of it though was about Hermione's outburst about them being prejudice against Fenrir. Remus couldn't believe she had said that. He knew that he told her about what Fenrir had done to him. As they were washing the dishes, Rose decided to have a little chat with Remus. 

"May I ask you something?" Rose asked him while handed her some dishes. 


"I know Fenrir Greyback did some horrible things with those Death Eaters, which can explain why you would hate him. But I can't help but feel there's something else? You know, something deeper with your hatred towards him?" Rose asked. He nodded. 

"There is. He bit me when I was little." Remus explained her. Rose's face twisted into pity and sorrow. 

"Oh, I am so sorry that happened. But why do you let it get you down?" she surprisingly asked him. Remus's ears perked up. 

"I beg your pardon?" 

"You know, it seems like you let it take power over you. It's keeps bothering you and it shouldn't since you know you can't change the outcome." Rose said. Remus tsk while shaking his head. 

"Rose, how the hell am I supposed to forget the day my life was ruined?" Remus questioned her. Rose's eyes widened as her lips dropped.

"Ruined? Ruined? Is that what you call having a wonderful wife and a sweet kid, who love you dearly?" 

"I didn't mean it..." 

"Is that what you call having numerous friends, who care about you regardless of this condition?" 

"Rose, please..." 

"Here, lets make a list of what horrible things this condition did to you." Rose stated while drying her hands off and headed over to grab a pad and pencil. 

"Okay, list of pros and cons. Cons you have to go through a painful transformation, you have to take a dreadful tasting potion which is also extremely expensive for some silly reason, there might be accidents that happened, but that wouldn't be consider your fault..." Rose listed

"How about the wizarding world hates me?" Remus asked her. 

"I said what is the cons of being a werewolf, Mr. Lupin, not what's wrong with our ministry." Rose shot at him, "Now pros, your werewolf condition heightens senses right? well that can help people, isn't that right Mr. Lupin?" 

Remus shook his head as he mumbled a quiet 'yes'. 

"Would you like to give some examples?" Rose asked. 

"Not really..." he started when he noticed Rose giving him a death glare, which caused him to clear his throat. 

"I do remember that when it got closer to the moon they do heighten and um... well I would sometimes have a keen smell of blood and it would lead me to students, who were cutting themselves. I would advise the teachers afterwards and then give the students large chocolate bars. I also remember when a few of these girls, who had happened to start their periods but had no clue about it, I would moved them to the side and tell them about it so they could quickly get changed. It meant a lot to them when I did that." Remus stated, watching as Rose wrote it down then motioned for him to continued. 

"Then I also remember how my hearing picked up these loud squeaks. It drove me so crazy that I stormed out of my bed just to find out what it was. I found myself in the Astronomy Tower and this student was leaning off the edge of the railing. I quickly talked them off and then sat them down before inviting them for tea afterwards." 

"Then there was also this one time when I returned back to school, where my keen eyes spotted these bruises all over this student's skin. When asking them what happened, they just said it was an accident. I made Dumbledore look into it and it turns out the father was a drunk, who abused the poor thing. I was pretty happy to hear the kid got out of that situation." Remus finished. Rose finished up her writing as she clicked her pen. 

"So according to this and the way I see it, the pros outweigh the cons completely. You may have to go through this painful transformation and deal with yucky potions but in the end, you are helping people who are completely grateful for what you did." Rose explained, "I think the real reason you have a problem being a werewolf is because you didn't get the choice in the matter. And I think you going to Fenrir and telling him 'you forgive him'...." 

"You want me to forgive him? That's crazy! I mean... I don't even know where he is?" 

"It's not for him, Remus. It's for you. Also he right down that hallway. You go straight then turn a left and he's in the bomb shelter." Rose told him, pointing to the door literally right behind him. He shook his head and opened his mouth to say something when his eyes landed on something on the paper on the side with the pros. 

"Hey what's that?" He asked while he reached over to grab the paper. Rose roughly pressed her hands on top of the pad. 


"It just became something when you said 'nothing'. What is it?" Remus asked while he pulled the pad from her hands. His eyes quickly scanned over it until they reached what Rose was hiding. 

"Good in the sack." Remus read off before darting his eyes to her. Rose lightly blushing as she brushed her hands through her hair. 

"I'm assuming. Mother used to date a werewolf. She kept saying it was best sex she ever had." Rose explained. Remus shook his head, unable to come up with something to say about it. 

"It was back in St. Olaf where Mom had met the man," Rose started when Remus stood up. 

"I'm going to go see him now." Remus stated before forcing him down that hallway and towards the man who had bit him. 

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