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A/n: This chapter contains some scenes from the series Everybody Loves Raymond season 2 Episode 15 "Marie's Meatballs". I hope you enjoy.

Ron wasn't going to sleep until he figure out what Scabior had done to Ron's spaghetti he made. Ron knew Scabior did something. However, given that he had no proof to what Scabior had did, he needed to find that. And how would he find it? He needed to find Scabior's recipes. And where would Scabior most likely hide those recipes? Ron did not know. But he had a feeling that it would either be in the kitchen like where his mom had her recipes or in his room. Ron crept around as quietly as he could through the kitchen. He peeked over the place to ensure he wasn't going to get caught. 

Once he was sure the ghost was clear, he rushed into it and began to search the drawers as quietly as he could. Given how many utensils they have in the drawers, Ron was surprise he didn't wake the whole block up. As he was about to look into the cabinets, he heard a noise that caught his attention. Slowly, he headed towards it to make sure it wasn't heading towards the kitchen. He peered outside the door, glancing around. Once he was sure the ghost was clear, he slipped back into the kitchen. Only for him to come face to face with Fenrir, which caused the both of them to shriek. Fenrir turned to the side and flipped the light switch. 




"Oh no, just looking for a midnight snack." Ron lied to him. Fenrir crossed his arms over his chest. 

"Really? In the utensil drawers?" Fenrir questioned him. Ron cursed under his breath. Of course, Fenrir would figure out what he was doing. He had the hearing of a wolf, he would know Ron was snooping around in the utensil drawers. 

"Alright, alright. I wasn't looking for a snack. I was looking for Scabior's recipes. Because I was trying to make his famous spaghetti and meatball recipe and well..." Ron cut off. Fenrir scoffed. 

"They suck." Fenrir blurted out. Ron glared at Fenrir. 

"They didn't suck." Ron tried to save some of his feelings from being hurt. 

"Yeah... that's not what I heard." Fenrir stated. 

"Okay, okay, Fenrir. I just want to make them perfect... for Hermione. And I think Scabior may have done something to ruin them and since I have no proof he did anything, I need to find that proof through finding his recipe so then I could see if he left something out or not," Ron explained the whole situation. Fenrir nodded. 

"Sounds like something he would do, but why would he?" Fenrir asked Ron. 

"That's what Hermione said. I think he wants me to look bad to impress her. To make her fall for him so that she would be his girlfriend." Ron claimed. He noticed Fenrir suddenly shot his hand over his lips like he was trying to hide something. 

"So what do you need?" 

"Just that recipe. Then I would know?" Ron claimed. Fenrir sighed. 

"I know where he keeps them. Wait here," Fenrir ordered as he rolled away for a minute. As Ron was waiting for Fenrir's return, he was startled when the door opened and Harry came walking in. Ron watched as Harry scurried over to the fridge and opened it. Harry pulled out the bottle of apple juice and began to chug it down till there was only like a few drops left. He then put the bottle back and headed out of the kitchen. Once he was gone, Fenrir came rolling back with a small box. 

"Here you go. The box," Fenrir mumbled and handed it over to Ron. Ron proceeded to dig into it till he found the recipes. Ron pulled away the rubber band and fumbled through them. 

"Stuffed shells... Mushroom Ravioli... Gumbo... buttermilk biscuits... steak pizzaiola..." Ron mumbled. 

"Hermione loves the steak pizzaiola." Fenrir claimed, leaning back in his wheelchair. After a minute, Ron found what he was looking for. 

"AH! Spaghetti and meatballs," Ron mumbled as he pulled out his notes. While he was going through it all, his heart began to sink when he noticed it was the same thing. 

"What's wrong?" 

"They're the same. They're exactly the same." Ron mumbled. 

"Isn't that good?" 

"Yeah... the only difference is... me." Ron complained as he slumped in his chair. Fenrir lightly patted Ron on his hand. 

"Hey, you think Scabior was a master chief when he was cooking? I bet you he had to practice a couple times till he got it right." Fenrir assured him. Ron nodded, but still couldn't help but feel bad about the whole thing.

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