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A/n: There is mentions of sexual context. You have been warned. 

"Okay, Fenrir, we got the forms sent in and all we have to do is wait for your trial and we can soon begin to get you heading to a new family to serve." Scabior said while he gave Fenrir his breakfast. As he was push some of his soaking wet hair from his face, he noticed Fenrir was sitting there looking at him strangely. 


"You going to tell me? Or am I going to force it out of you?" Fenrir asked him. 

"I don't know what you are referring to." Scabior claimed even though part of him had a feeling of exactly what Fenrir was talking about. Fenrir rolled his eyes and tilted his head. 

"Come on! Tell me! Tell me, please! Pretty please! Tell me how she was in bed! I bet she was good!" Fenrir pleaded with him. Scabior hushed Fenrir while he scurried over to the door. After shutting it, he turned around quickly. 

"I'm not sure I should tell you about it. I mean... we are just starting to form a bond of trust..." Scabior said, wondering how Hermione would feel about him telling Fenrir about them doing it. After all, they just started to trust each other and her giving herself to him was completely under the letting herself be vulnerable with him. Fenrir shook his head. 

"I swear, she won't find out! Please!!!!!!" Fenrir pleaded with him. Scabior rolled his eyes. 

"Fine," Scabior whispered while scurrying over to him. He quickly grabbed a chair and set himself down on it while he leaned against his knee. 

"I don't even know where to begin." Scabior admitted, which was odd since this wasn't the first time tell Fenrir about him sleeping with a girl. Fenrir chuckled. 

"Start from the beginning and work your way to the end." Fenrir explained to him. Scabior nodded. 

"Well, to be honest, I didn't even think I was going to shag her. I mean... I just thought we were going to foreplay since that was basically part of the deal..." 

"Deal?" Fenrir asked. 

"Yeah, I didn't really want to come here but you remember how headstrong Snape said she was... well that's totally true. She wasn't going to let me skip this funeral. So she offered to do anything, within reason, sexually with her," 


"YES! Of course, she told me no to sex or blow jobs, but clearly as you can see... I did both!" Scabior cheered while Fenrir was laughing. 

"So what happened? How did you get to bang her?" 

"You remember Grandma Sophia?" 

"The one who claims she can buy me and sell me? Yeah, I know her." 

"Well before we started to do it, she gave me some condoms in case I was lucky. Hermione found them and I pleaded to her to understand that I wasn't trying to sleep with her like that but then all of a sudden she tears one off and hands it to me and basically tells me to go at it!" Scabior stated to him. Fenrir's laughter slowly shifted into a hint of terror. Before Scabior could ask what's going on, he felt something hard hit against his head. He grasp his head and he went to see who it was when he, himself, began to panic. Because standing right in front of him was Hermione, who was glaring at him. 

"Excuse me, but that is a private matter!" Hermione growled at him. Scabior opened his mouth to say something when Hermione raise the book again ready to smack him but he quickly shut his mouth to avoid getting hit again. Hermione lowered himself as she sat down beside him. Fenrir laughed as he shook his head. 

"If this makes you feel better, Hermione, I figured you had a wild streak." Fenrir joked. Hermione's face flared up as she opened her mouth to say something when suddenly Dorothy came walking in clinging to a letter, causing them to look over at her. 

"What is it?" Scabior asked, sensing something awful was about to happened. 

"It's a letter... from the ministry... apparently we are being sued by Aunt Jennifer for everything we're worth." Dorothy explained. 

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