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Hermione rushed down the hallway with Remus, Tonks and Scabior running after her. She paused when she saw Harry, Ron and Ginny standing outside the door where Scabior's grandmothers were supposed to be in. 

"Why are you three out here? You should be in there to be sure the verdict goes our way." Hermione asked them, confused with this whole thing, causing them to turn around to face her. Harry pointed towards the door. 

"We wanted to go inside but  they said something but no young people are allowed in today." Harry stated. Hermione shook her head. 

"This feels totally off. I don't know why but I sense something is going to happen if we do not move fast," Hermione claimed darting her eyes around to ensure they weren't being listened in on. 

"What did you learn about Hagrid?" Ron asked them. 

"Turns out Hagrid did know Jennifer. They came across each other because one day and Hagrid told her not to feed her dogs chocolates because they are poison to them. The bloody bitch tried to rip his eye out." Tonks explained to them. 

"So we can tie her to Hagrid's false imprisonment?" Harry asked them. 

"Not exactly..." Remus started when Hermione growled. 

"What do you mean? We have motive! For all of it! We have her with Fletcher at Knockturn Alley! We have the letters! What more do you want?" Hermione asked, getting sick and tired of this whole 'it doesn't really prove anything'. Remus lightly patted her shoulder. 

"I'm sorry, Hermione. It's just not the type of proof we need. I mean we either need a recording of her planning it all out or we need her to confess to it all." Remus suggested to her. Hermione's eyes widened as an idea popped into her head.  

"We need to get our hands on Veritasersum!" Hermione stated to them. Remus looked at her like she had cried bloody murder. 

"Are you insane? What do you want us to do? Run in there, force it down her throat and make her confess that she did all those things to us?" Remus asked her. 

"That's exactly what we're going to do." Hermione claimed. 

"And where are we supposed to get our hands on some Veritasersum? I mean we only got a small amount of time and we can't just up and make it here. Especially since we haven't the things needed to make it?" Tonks asked. Scabior's head popped up as he gazed over at Hermione. 

"Umbridge. She used to have drawers upon drawers of that stuff since she was in charge of interrogation of people being accused of being muggle-born." Scabior admitted. 

"There's no way she has that stuff now... is there?" Remus asked. 

"Don't underestimate her. That bitch was able to hide a bunch of shit even from the Dark Lord." Scabior confirmed. Hermione grabbed hold of Scabior's sleeve as she pulled him to her side. 

"Scabior and I are going to Umbridge's office. You all try to stall them as much as possible." Hermione ordered them. Before anyone to object, they rushed out of there and down the hallway, too determined to finish this nightmare as soon as possible. 

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