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Hermione never... NEVER had actually thought of this but she had been glad the funeral was over. Scabior had compared Jennifer to Umbridge but she was starting to believe that Jennifer was Umbridge's own sister. They had to be. 

Throughout the funeral as everyone was grieving the death of Scabior's parents, Jennifer was busying herself with either applying even more makeup to her hideous glow up or trying to talk with other people who were trying to mourn in peace  or worse she tormented Fenrir by either pulling at his leash or roughly slapping him. Hermioine was surprised with how well he was controlling himself. She was on the verge of trying to strangle the woman, but just imagine how much Fenrir felt. Jennifer also allowed her dogs to chew on the people's chairs and drool everywhere. Luckily, Dorothy stopped it quickly by having Jennifer moving her dogs and Fenrir off to the side. But then she was actually (or more like forced her way) allowed up to the pulpit where she spent most of it not mourning of the people but actually made it about herself along with poking comments at Scabior. 

Thankfully, the funeral was over with quickly and Hermione rushed over to the parlor where the food was set out for people to snack on while they chit-chat in memory of Scabior's parents. She quickly poured herself a glass of red wine and took a plate with one of the calzones. While she was taking a big bite, Scabior walked over towards her. 

"Man, you're clearly not upset." Scabior commented. She shook her head. 

"That... that... creature! She can't be serious? And... and... the way she treats Fenrir... she can't get away with that! I mean... I know he did some horrible... unspeakable terrors to people but no one and mean no one deserves what she actually doing to him." Hermione ranted, "I have to look in that program. There has to be something to help him." 

"I'm kind of shocked you're like this." Scabior told her. She shook her head. 

"I know what he did in the past. But like I said, no one deserves that." Hermione repeated. 

"I have to agree with her," they turned their head to see Sophia, Dorothy and Blanche walking over to them. 

"I still can't believe she showed up! Who the bloody hell invited her here in the first place?" Blanche asked while she reach over to get something. 

"I was in charge of the invitations but I swear I did not invite her." Dorothy stressed the importance of not sending out an invite to Aunt Jennifer. Before anyone could say another word, Hermione could hear the sound of someone storming over towards them. 

"Where is he?" they all turned around to see Jennifer standing behind them as she crossed her arms with her dogs by her side. 

"Where's who?" Dorothy asked. Jennifer rolled her eyes. 

"Don't act dumb! Fenrir! Where is he? I go to get the dogs and I find my pups but don't find the runt of the liter! So I want to know where he is?" Jennifer asked. They all glanced around each other. 

"I swear I put him in a safe place. But you have to remember, even though he is a werewolf, he still has a human mindset. He probably took the chance and escaped when he could." Dorothy suggested. 

"Yeah, he figured he had a better chance of surviving the dementors than you." Sophia commented before Dorothy slapped her hand over Sophia's mouth. Jennifer glared at them. 

"I should sue you all for what happened! You let him run!" Jennifer shot at them, pointing her finger at Dorothy's face. Everyone seemed to freeze a bit when she did that. 

"Listen here, you unicorn hairball. We should report you for physical abuse. There is nothing anyone can do to deserve the treatment you do to Fenrir. I know it against the program's rules! You can't be abusive to the Death Eaters who enter you home no matter who they are." Dorothy warned her. Jennifer appeared so flustered when Dorothy laid it out on her that it caused her to storm out without looking back. 

"I hope he's okay." Hermione mumbled as Scabior nodded. 

"Wait a minute... where's Rose?" Sophia asked. Everyone gazed over towards each other. 

"She wouldn't?" Dorothy asked.

"Well... there was that greyhound incident where she took a greyhound from this guy who was on the verge of being put down if it lost one more race." Blanche pointed out. 

"But... she wouldn't with this... right?" Dorothy asked again. 

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