Update (Spoiler Alert)

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Hello, dear readers~. I have an update regarding the book and three sneak-peek chapters of the final arcs after my little bit of rant, hehe.

So, first, I want to say there is a possibility Taming Tyrants will enter a contract signing. A representative just contacted me after overseeing Taming Tyrants and offered me a contract. However, if I sign it, it means I must delete Taming Tyrants here in Wattpad, just like what I did to two of my novels, The Ageless Dream and Badass Celestial Emperor that had entered a contract. It forbids me to post it on other platforms aside from them. The Ageless Dream and Badass Celestial Emperor are now in Dreame, you can find it easier by searching it in Google or my profile name NeeLee 893 in Dreame app.

But, I am not a selfish author. I still love writing to receive feedback from my readers and make their day so I will create another book that will replace Taming Tyrants after it gets signed. Hopefully, dear readers will check it out soon.

I've been a reader since I was five years old. I love books and I know the feeling of a reader that wasn't satisfied with a book discontinued. I've been there before which is what inspired me to write stories for fun and for entertaining other people. Books, stories, imagination, it amuses us, readers and authors, right?

So, I decided to first post Taming Tyrants' final volume (unknown if half or full version) here in Wattpad before I sign a contract. However, the third volume will only be open for a limited time because once the contract was presented and I signed, I will delete it here or my editor will sue me if I don't. It saddens me I have to pull it out but I need financial assistance for my studies and help my parents as well. Who doesn't need money?

Even though I'm a mere fifteen-year-old girl, I know my passion, my dreams, the problem my family has been keeping from me and my siblings. So, as their child, I have to make sacrifices too and this is part of it. I hope no readers will find me selfish or greedy. I'm just paving my way for my future even if it was bleak. Still, I will continue to write and update Taming Tyrants in its new reading platform soon. It was fun meeting those readers active in voting, placing Taming Tyrants on their favorite reading list (some even have hearts which melts my heart too). Mostly, the readers who read and gave comments. Some are blunt which hits me a sore spot but I learned from, most of those that made me laugh because my readers can be a better joker than me. Shout out to you all!

Again, thank you for being part of my year, being my readers, silent or not. Thank you for supporting Taming Tyrants, the fourth story I ever wrote, the one I learned to love after seeing my readers appreciate it more than I do, thank you.

Stage 1: Royal Deceit [The Beginning]

After that little fight, Hong Cha tends to ignore Gu Zixing. She knew what he will say again. Gu Zixing will just reprimand her to keep a distance when it comes to Alexander. She will gladly do so if it was caused by jealousy but he is not green-eyed. Rather, it was all for Gu Jiaoyue. Speaking of which, she last saw her Prince Brother when she was thirteen, it was four years ago. He is stoic and maybe because he is part of the royal family, he guarded himself by suppressing his emotions. Thus, he acts very strangely for her. He doesn't know how to show his concern for her or how to express his emotions, except for anger. He rarely smiles. She just doesn't know why the woman around them will find his indifference very compelling.

For her, Gu Zixing is still better. He smiles in a comforting way, cheerful and often ongoing. She prefers him. But, it has been four years, she had almost forgotten how her Prince Brother looks like. She though remembered he is an indifferent handsome man. However, Gu Zixing will never get overshadowed in her heart. He will always be second to none.

"What's making you think so deep?" Alexander asked upon noticing her unmoving on her spot. They are overseeing the dried herbs outside and Hong Cha seems to be more preoccupied than usual.

Taming Tyrants IIWhere stories live. Discover now