Author's notes

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.

Hey y'all.

I'm back again with the sequel to "When the storm comes!!"

Y'all asked for another one and y'all got it.

So, this new book continues with off with the first book of course. We do have a few new characters added on. We do see old faces. We hear of old names. We hear of more truth to be told that haven't been told before and we learn of some interesting and saddening truths that happened while Karen was away. But let's move onto the kids for now, enough of Karen but just for a moment. We're gonna circle back to her. So, the first half of this book Ki, J.Drew, and Faith will probably have more scenes together along with the twins. I'm not gonna say anything more on that but let's just say that Ki is trying to move onto bigger and better things. But we'll just see what our baby, Karen thinks about that and J.Drew we gonna see some changes in him that Mama K may not like our man is gonna be a lil sumthin' sumthin' with the ladies and what not find out if the aunties or if mama K is gonna straighten him out for that.

Because he's still going to the aunties for more motherly advice even though, Karen has been home for a solid amount of time now and sometimes people from the church still hold that against her even though her family have forgiven her for leaving but it wasn't like she could help it anyways.

And I also, realized that I may have or may not have left some things unaddressed in the last story that y'all did not notice so, I'm bringin' that ishhh back. Did I do it on purpose? Maybe...Maybe not y'all would never know because I'm very indecisive. 🥴

Now, for the second half of this book we see more drama being added on and the whole family is about to go through major trials and tribulations and people who were more or less understanding in the last book will have a shift with their attitudes about it not being able to handle it all.

Might I add, Karen basically lived a double life while she was away from her family for reasons (that I don't want to spoil here). Let's just say that people knew she was Karen Clark-Sheard but it was like they really didn't care and it has nothing to do with alters before anybody ask or say anything. A few surprising people cared when they saw her but the majority didn't since they just let her do whatever or took advantage of her when she was in a certain state that was un-diagnosed at the time. This was before she found out she had IED. Let's just say we take a visit back to Dr.Womack again after the sisters find something else out about Karen.

~ It's very hard to explain here without spoiling so, y'all would just have to read it when the time comes because this will all make sense later.

Also, in the second half the kids will be a little older and let's just say that Faith is gonna be the oldest sister but she won't be in the house as much or will she be with Karen full-time as they had hoped? We do get to see some changes come about with her too as well as getting to see her and Karen's relationship either blossom or crumble as mother and daughter.

But I must say, don't expect to see Quintella in this we have left her in the last story. Quintella for that story was never an alter just another stage name that she used for when she was a stripper and when she was in the R&B music world as I've said it before in the last story. I know y'all wanna see her and say she has DID because that's what y'all said the last time but nope, it was just IED. And she used, Quintella as a stage name. Now, the people who we see may call her, Quintella just because that's what they known her by but that's it. Quintella isn't an alter never was just so, we're clear as I have made that very clear in my earlier chapters for "When the Storm comes!"

In other surprising news there will be a mention of a surgery that Karen had done but for health reasons. It's not the weight loss surgery no we just gonna act like she never had that surgery and the weight just dropped naturally over time. I don't wanna say the name of the surgery cause some of y'all may or may not be shocked...But let's just say that it has something to do with control along with her growing age.

But she still does have IED that can't be cured just managed. But the surgery has nothing to do with her disorder. It has something to do with her lady parts as I'm trying not to spoil anything.

And there's so much more drama to come.

Now without further or due the first chapter of "When Trouble Comes Knocking!"

When Trouble Comes Knocking!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora