To Bare Witness P2

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.

Notes: This part two of Bare Witness since it was too long so, I decided to split it to build up more anticipation. So, it takes off from the last scene. Enjoy! 😌


Also ,

requested a line to be added which is "You two low down back stabbing b*****." I won't say anything more because I want y'all to be surprised at who said it by her suggestion so, I credit this to her. It wasn't no problem to add it since ya know this is a brawl and someone was already surprising everyone. So, thank you for that suggestion! So, let's get back to the story!

TW: Cussing, mentions of sexual abuse, depression, and suicide.

Next Sunday:

At church, Faith was just sitting down next to Jacky when Angel walked past her auntie Karen for a moment whispering something to her and Angel said okay giving her a hug walking over to Faith. "Your mama want you." Angel said to her cousin and Faith popped up quickly outta her seat making Jacky whip her head ahead around and then, she saw when, Karen greeted her daughter in her seat as church was about to start giving her a hug since they didn't come to the back like they usually would've in the morning and the next minute they knew, Karen had said something to Faith and Faith happily sat down next to her and by the middle of the service, Faith was up underneath her mama just laying her head on her bosom while Karen had her arms around her listening to the sermon that Drew was preaching.

And when, Dorinda came back from the fellowship hall she saw her niece, Faith laying up on her mama. "Mmhm." Dorinda mumbled not believing Karen. "She betta not be using that girl." Dorinda said with her arms folded and rolling her eyes at her sister and Karen turned her head to where they were and quickly eyed them looking them up and down but turned her focus back on the Bishop hugging Faith tighter as suddenly she was nervous saying to herself that no one was gonna take Faith from her again at least not without her permission.

After church was over and everyone went home to change they all pulled up to Mama Sheard's house to talk about the custody battle that was at hand. They chose Mama Sheard's house because they knew nobody could act a fool in there and if they did they were gonna have to get up outta there.

While everyone arrived, Karen was already sitting next to Drew trying not to have a pissed off look on her face as her oldest kids was back home watching the twins and Kadence since everyone was in this meeting sitting on the couch waiting for them to come on. Once everyone was there it started as the initial introduction of what was supposed to happen was given earlier on..

"So, have you thought about giving up full custody of Faith?" Jacky asked her baby sister and Karen tried not to mean-mug her looking at her knowing her mean-mug can be tough can look at so, she tried schooling her face by putting her hand over it. "I thought about it when I thought about it and my answer is still HELL NO." Karen said trying not to roll her neck while staring at the wall and Drew just had to grab hold to Karen's hand. "There's no need to get smart, Karen." Jacky said in a stern voice. "Apparently there is a need since a few of y'all are trying to rip my child away from me no matter how hard I try to become a better person or mother too her." Karen said in a firm voice and Dorinda said, "Mmh, betta, I don't think spending a day with her is better." Dorinda said not caring how long it took Karen to even get to the point of being in the same room with Faith without having an episode. And Karen almost said something but stopped putting her hand over her mouth as she turned to look away from them.

"We only came here to see if we can settle on an agreement for Faith other than the custody battle that's coming up but if not then we'll just go ahead and take it to court. It don't matter either way." Jacky said as Tamela looked at Karen and Drew. "Have y'all even asked, Faith what she wanted?" Karen asked them thinking about her child. "Of course, we have we didn't leave her out of this we're doing this for her." Tamela said. "Does she know that y'all are filing for custody?" Karen asked them rolling her neck and they just stared at her and Karen started to laugh. "Great so, she doesn't even know either." Karen said running her hands through her hair. "Well she voiced her opinion that she no longer wanted to be split in between 3 homes and not stay somewhere where she wasn't wanted or couldn't do as her other siblings could. She was afraid of you!" Tamela said.

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