They need to know

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.


Drew finally decides to talk to the kids about their mother about her newest condition. But after he's done he has a talk with Faith and Ronnie to see how they're doing.

~Sidenote: This is going to be told from Drew's P.O.V

"Ki, J.Drew, Faith, Ronnie come downstairs." Drew said calling everyone with his booming voice. He knew that Karen wasn't going to feel like talking them after she came back home especially not with Ki and J.Drew noticing their mother's different behavior. One-by-one they came downstairs following after each other sitting on the couch while the twins stayed upstairs for the meantime with Kadence. "Yes, dad?" Ki asked speaking for all of them. "Alright sit down on the couch I gotta talk to you about some changes that's gonna start happening soon." He said and the kids just looked at him a bit worried. "Is mom okay?" Faith asked in her worried voice. "She's okay." He said nodding her head. "But when we took her to the psychiatric ward we found out that your mother has a new condition." Drew said still not believing that his kids were actually home this time for their mother to be taken to the psych ward cause usually, whenever that happened they would be over at a friend's house which was good for them to not have to explain it yet.

But now that they were older and Karen was losing a bit of control with her disorder after what happened they had to keep them updated. "Your mother has severe agoraphobia." Drew said. "Is-is it because of my dad?" Ronnie asked her and Drew just had to be honest with her. "Doesn't that mean she can't come out?" Kierra asked making sure she knew since their mom was out last Sunday. "Yes." Drew said pursing his lips knowing the kids were about to be confused. "But-she went to church last week tho?" J.Drew asked not understanding why their mother was out of the house in her condition. "She did she was forced to go." Drew told them and the kids scrunched up their face. "No wonder why mom was so, nervous." J.Drew said as he remembered his mother tapping her knee. "So, was that mom vomiting in the bathroom at church?" Ki asked not sure if it was her mother or another church lady. But she knew it sounded like her mom. "Yeah." Drew said sighing. "Well why did they force her to go why didn't you tell them?" Ki asked getting on her dad about that.

"Woahh, calm down. I tried to but knowing your mother she wanted to set the record straight also, we just keep somethings private as a family and now only a few of the church members knows about Karen's disorder." Drew told them as he started to tell the kids who and it made sense that those were the people that knew outside of their family. "But as far as the agoraphobia no one outside of our family knows about it." Drew said. "We don't need that information falling into the wrong hands." Drew said. "So with that being said your grandmother will be here more often along with your aunties who will be rotating schedules to keep an eye on your mother and to help out more around the house and if you need anything ask them not your mother."

Drew told them. "That means when you do speak to your mother again no back-talking her, no being disrespectful or slick, and no asking whether or not she can take you somewhere because for one she still isn't allowed to drive and two the agoraphobia is only allowing her to do so much." Drew said. "Try your best not to provoke her that doesn't mean we have to walk on egg shells but it does mean to be respectful at all times and watch your mouth be very careful about what you say and how you respond to your mother please for the love of God just be on y'alls best behavior" Drew said and the kids just nodded their heads.

"So, is mom basically a shut-in now?" J.Drew asked their dad not knowing how else to put it since that's what the elders always called people like their mother and everyone looked at him wondering about it. "Pretty much just for the time being until she can heal again." Drew said. "Are there anymore questions?" Drew asked them but Faith and Ronnie just stared at each other knowing what they wanted to ask but couldn't ask because they were to afraid to ask it. Drew looked at how the two girls were looking at each other knowing that they needed to ask something but didn't know how.

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