The Kids Know P1.

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.


The siblings go looking in their mom's closet for the acoustics so, they could start recording. But as they start setting up a locked box nearly, falls on them.

TW: Mentions of nudity.

A few months after the first Family therapy session that they had Kierra and J.Drew started to think about making music together as a brother and sister duo. But instead of them both singing J.Drew would be the producer and Kierra would obviously be the singer and song-writer. So, with that being said they both went to their mom about it talking to her as their dad just listened in on the conversation since, Karen was the music head of the family and knew the business better than all of them did from gospel music to secular music she knew it inside and out. So, Karen agreed only on the basis that they will be creating and producing gospel music that they can sing for the Lord while their younger siblings Faith and Veronica watched on.

"Alright, I'll let y'all do it." Karen said after hearing their presentation that they came up with and the kids kissed their mother on both sides of her cheeks. "But can we use your closest for the acoustics tho?" J.Drew asked seeing that they didn't have a home studio and he had been learning how to make a D-I-Y studio before he even went on the trip to L.A. "Yeah y'all can use it just don't mess it up." Karen said not thinking about what was inside of her closest that she hid a year earlier so, her kids wouldn't get into it as it completely slipped her mind right then and there because things were going so, good and it seemed as if once most of the truth came out then the pictures and videos stopped coming.

But before, Ki could even leave her room her mother called her back in telling J.Drew that he could go and that she needed to talk to his sister for a moment and J.Drew just left. "Yes, mom?" Ki said climbing back on the bed next to her after her dad left out for the moment so, the two could have some privacy. "Ki I've been meaning to ask you when did you get into songwriting?" Karen asked her oldest daughter and the look on her face pretty much said it all as Kierra nervously pursed her lips. "Ummm a few years ago, before you had came back." She admitted as if she was nervous to say it and Karen just nodded her head. "Do you want to ask me anything or tell me something?" Karen asked her daughter as she was now trying to be more open with her kids instead of only being transparent after things got bad.

"Noooo." Kierra said kind of lying. "Ki. I asked you because I found the songs that you wrote when I was looking for something in your room." Karen said and Ki's eyebrows arched a bit. "What songs?" Ki asked her as she was now playing dumb. "Ki it's okay just come sit down so, I can talk to you." Karen said as she shifted in her bed and Ki got closer up underneath her. "So, since I'm letting you go into music...gospel music." Karen specifically said.

"I just want you to know that if something happens Ki I don't want you to go down that same path that I went down." Karen said as she tried not to cry gently lifting up Ki's chin. " If you ever need to talk to me about anything at all you can." Karen sweetly told her and Ki thought this was probably her chance to ask her mom even though they already covered it in their therapy session that they had. "Well um...I was wondering.." Ki started to say as she was a little hesitant on finishing the question. "When you let J.Drew go to grandma's house after you left did you really, really not want to be around me before..the attack happened?" Kierra said as she remembered her mom being distant from her before she even had let, Dorinda keep them when they were much younger and Karen looked at her daughter a bit surprised that she remembered that. Because what Kierra remembers is her mother ignoring her for a time-being until, Mama Sheard came and got J.Drew and that was kind of the start of their mother and daughter relationship falling apart.

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