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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.


Drew rushes Karen to the hospital.

TW: Mentions of sudden death.

Once, Drew put Karen in his car, Snoop got in the back with her while his crew drove his car following behind them speeding to the hospital with their emergency lights on. The sisters only waited for Mama Sheard when they did giving her an update on what happened and immediately following after them.

They didn't have time to wait for the ambulance to get here knowing they'll purposefully drive slower to the black neighborhoods no matter if they were in a rich one because they were afraid to past all the other neighborhoods.

So, with that being said, Drew made a step on it rushing her there. "Check her pulse!" Drew panicked seeing that when, Karen tried to commit the last time her heart stopped. "I'm already on it." Snoop said already preparing to check for a pulse seeing Karen drift in and out of consciousness. "Ohh no you don't do you close your eyes on me!" Snoop said feeling her pulse getting weaker as Drew by-passed other cars that were stopped in the middle of the road because of the traffic sight.

"You keep them eyes open!" Snoop hollered at her as her hearing begun to fade out not being able to hear or see clearly, Karen's head just drifted back and right before they made it to the hospital he couldn't feel a pulse. The last thing they heard from her was a mumbled response of "I can't."

"SHIT!" Snoop screamed as he started CPR on her. "Don't you fuckin' die on me!" Snoop yelled at her. "You got to much too live for." He said as he continued pumping her while, Drew made his way to the hospital and then, Drew finally made it to the front of the ER slamming open his car door carrying his wife out bridal style as Snoop helped him and went to go park.

Rushing into the hospital the same place where her psychiatrist office was held he yelled for help feeling Karen take her last breath and it unnerved him. "HELP, HELP!" Drew screamed out running through the sliding doors. "My wife FLATLINED!" Drew hollered running into the hospital as doctors and nurses attended to Karen right in the middle of the floor asking him all sorts of questions of what happened as they tried to revive her heart with CPR until the crash carte came a few minutes later and a gurney to put her into a room as they tried to revive her as it was pure chaos surrounding the family inside of the hospital.

Outside, Snoop Dogg was kicking the side of the hospital wall where it was gravel making some of it fall like it had did something to him wondering why the hell would she even relapse? It looked like Karen had a better chance than most not to relapse. But he guessed he was wrong. He just knew something had to have happened and no one knew except for that one other person.

Whatever happened to her while he was gone during those couple of weeks of the last month and came back for some business he knew it had to be something bad because he knew, Karen wasn't the type to just go back to drugs for no reason at least. She wasn't that type of addict. Hell, she wasn't even an addict at all. If anything she was being forced to take the damn drugs everyday which, Tyrone tried to turn her into one so, she couldn't function straight so, it would be easier for Tyrone to take advantage of her.

But whatever it was he was gonna settle that shit because it needed not to happen. Calming down he went inside with the sisters as he saw Twinkie's car pull up.
"They have her in a room already?" Jacky asked panicked as Snoop Dogg came up to them. "Yeah." He said sighing. "What happened?" Jacky asked and Snoop Dogg saw that she was still crying from earlier. "I can tell you inside." He said not wanting to scare her because he didn't hear anything else since he was beatin' up the gravel outside. "Snoop just tell us." Dorinda said coming up to him as she was still next to Jacky's right side and Twinkie was on her left.

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