Calm them boobs down P2

542 21 48

Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.

Notes: Karen is in need of some relief and not that kinda of relief ya nastys!! Well, maybe near the end there's a lil smut. 💀🌚

Today was a Sunday at church and Karen had decided to sit down in the pews instead of next to the Bishop since she was still lactating. She had to admit that these last two pregnancies the milk that her breasts were producing for her babies were getting out of hand. She was used to having milk in her breasts but not this much to the point where even if she just lightly, squeezed one of her boobies it would spray out breasts milk which meant there was a lot in there and her back had been hurting worst than ever. Irritated with her boobs she tried to re-arrange herself in her seat to continue listening to the sermon but she couldn't trying not to groan out in pain she bit her lip.

But by the time the Bishop got to the middle of his sermon, Karen had-had enough and couldn't take sitting down. If anything she needed to lay down. But right before she could do anything she heard a baby crying in the sanctuary from afar and balled up her lips feeling her breasts leak within her two piece outfit that she was wearing and she just put her hand over her forehead trying to remain calm. Of course, she already had tissue stuffed in her bra to stop her milk from messing up her outfit but obviously it wasn't enough since babies were crying throughout the day. Once the baby stopped crying from the balcony, Karen quietly made her way over to Jacky asking her if she could watch her nieces and nephews and Karen just brought them over to her in the three piece car seat.

"Girl you good?" Dorinda whispered to her lightly stopping her sister from leaning so fast and Karen just shook her head no seeing that Karen made her way into the ladies bathroom.

When Karen left, Dorinda looked at Jacky and Jacky looked at Twinkie. "I'm a go check on her." Dorinda said getting up from her seat and into the ladies bathroom in the back.

"Karen?" Doe said coming in and she saw her sister in the last bathroom stall. "Girl what you doin'?" Dorinda asked her. "My boobs are still leaking." Karen whined "ughhh" crying out in frustration. "This dang tissue not helpin'." Karen whined again now panting as she held up her back cause her boobs were killin' her. "And my back hurts." Karen cried out in pain as she had to take a break from wiping her leaky boobs.

And so, hearing that Dorinda just grabbed a whole bunch of paper towels telling Karen to open the bathroom. "Girl open this door." Doe said and Karen did as told as Dorinda met a teary eyed, Karen with her bra off with her arm covering her boobs not pressing down on it and the trash can full of used tissue. "Here." Dorinda said handing them to her. "Thank you." Karen cried. "But I tried this already." Karen whimpered still taking the paper towels and just stuffing them in there but instead of putting her bra back on she took it off needing some type of relief and people were just gonna have to talk if they noticed she had taken off her bra.

"You goin' back in the sanctuary?" Dorinda asked her as Karen finally came out of the bathroom straightening out her outfit. "No, I'm a lay down on the couch in the Bishop's office." Karen said annoyed with her own body. "My back hurts and when I go home I gotta go pump this milk out again." Karen cried because her body produces milk so, fast. While walking to the Bishop's office, Karen entered laying down on the couch just resting as she didn't plan on taking a nap.

"Is Karen okay?" Jacky whispered to her as the sermon was still goin' on. "Chileee she's having boob and back problems she just went to go lay down in the Bishop's office after she cleaned up in the bathroom." Dorinda said letting Jacky know in her own that Karen was lactating.

Once service was over the sisters and the Bishop went to the back after saying goodbye to everyone and talking to those who he needed to talk too. "Look at her." Jacky said coming into the office with Faith next to her. "Mommy sleep?" Faith whispered and Jacky laughed. "Yes she is." Jacky told her. "Karen wake up service is over." The Bishop said as he took off his robe and Karen popped up. "Huh?" Karen asked not seeing everyone else in the office. "Church ended?" Karen asked confused missing the last part of it. "Yeah girl." Dorinda said and Karen was confused. "Ughh I must've dozed off to sleep." Karen said still holding up her boobs. "These boobs don't mean me no good." Karen said out loud as she was sittin' up in slight pain.

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