The Calm Before the Storm

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.

Notes: Karen surprises everyone as things seem to have calmed down from last month.

TW: There's some smut at the end. 🌚

It was now the 4th month and Karen was finally walking normally in her therapy sessions. It was with great joy that she could finally use her upper body strength without having to hang onto anyone else or anything else. So, that meant she didn't really need the walker but she did have the option to take it home with her just case in. Now that she was walking and doing things on her own again she felt capable and her mood wasn't as bad as before. Then she thought maybe she could work things out with her daughter, Faith since things were good with Ronnie. However, she did see where during her time of need that her bond grew with Ronnie because she let her help out more. But she never allowed, Faith to do the same which probably weakened their relationship and also, the fact that they forgot her birthday and remembered a few months later after, Ronnie's birthday which Karen felt terrible about.

(Play song!)

She didn't even know what her daughter, Faith liked to do like she did with Ronnie or her favorite food because if anything all her attention would literally be on her other kids and she did realize where she knew more about them rather than about Faith and she knew it wasn't right. It was just hard to fix. She didn't know how to approach her daughter now that she was 16 and she had about a good two more years before Faith started wondering when could she move out or never come back again? Because she knew that question was about to run through, Faith's mind after how she treated her. Then, there was this thing that Jacky and Tamela wouldn't tell her about it was like they were hinting towards something and she knew they probably had to have talked about it before as a group or at least with Jacky but she just didn't know what it was. She couldn't remember that conversation for the life of her as she was in her physical therapy sessions taking a walk around the track for her last bit of exercises and follow ups to make sure that everything was alright.

And when she was done she met up with her physical therapists who was waiting with the timer on the other side. "You did good today. You didn't need any breaks I see that as a very good thing." She said and that was another goal that they had been working on as they tried to get Karen to walk without feeling super winded or needing small breaks in between and Karen gave a soft smile. "So, you've met all your goals and marks for this past month and your tests have came back good." Her physical therapist told her which allowed her to take a sigh of relief as she exhaled deeply. Then she thought back again about what she was gonna do to make up for missing Faith's 16th birthday which was supposed to be a big deal. But the family forgot and treated her like she was nothing on what was supposed to be a special day for her and Karen realized that all too late.

But even though she was feeling guilty about missing her own daughters birthday she was still glad to know that she was walking again as her normal self and she couldn't wait to show her family. So, they could stop worrying over her and so, they could figure out what they were gonna do about Faith's birthday that passed a couple of months ago and now, this thing this secret that Jacky and Tamela have been keeping from her. She was so sure that it wasn't a secret but Jacky would not remind her about anything and neither would her sisters. And she guessed they wanted her to remember on her own but she couldn't do that since she had went into an episode and they all knew what happened during that episode except for her. It's like what stayed during the episode literally stayed there for Karen as her mind wouldn't let her remember unless they put her back under hypnosis.

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