The Kids Know P2.

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.

Notes: Karen finds out that her box's lock was broken and she has no idea what to think as it forces her to make another session with just her three oldest kids and Drew.

After the studio session was over, Karen had came back home around 11:30pm with Drew in the car since he had gotten off of work early. They drove home in silence being content with each other and where they were in their marriage and family. When Karen made her way upstairs to her room she noticed that her kids were surprisingly in their rooms as they would've been either over at a friend's house or talking on the phone. She noted that her kids behavior was a bit strange especially since, Ronnie wasn't in Faith's room as she would've been. After checking on Faith and Ronnie she noticed that the two girls were staring at their walls holding a pillow in deep thought as they didn't hear her come in and she just silently, closed the door back.

Finally going into her room to change, Karen went into her closest to take off her jacket noticing that a lock was broken as she looked on the floor behind her clothes. It was a familiar lock and then it clicked for her. "Damn it." Karen said to herself as she realized where the lock was from and she frantically started looking for her box on her top shelf and when she found it was still there. But the lock had been broken and when she opened up the box she knew it was tampered with. But before she started freaking out she did breathing exercises to try to calm herself down. But even though she was still panicking it wasn't as bad as it could've been.

"Drewww!" Karen screamed from the top of her lungs with her chest heaving up and down. "What is it baby?" Drew asked as he rushed into the closest behind her only to find his wife with her back turned frozen in her spot. "Karen, sugarplum?" Drew called out to her and so, he watched his wife slowly turned around with the box in her hand that seemed to be broken. "What-what is it?" Drew asked her looking at the box and not understanding what was going on since she didn't really say anything. "I-they." Karen tried to say until she turned the box around to show him the broken lock and his eyes widened. "Oooh." He sighed. "Babe maybe it was an accident." Drew told her and Karen's head just tilted. "What if they seen the tape?" Karen asked him with her voice nearly breaking as their was another tape in the box besides the Freaknik one.

"I'm sure they didn't see that one." Drew said as he was now up close to his wife with his hands on top of her shoulders to comfort her. "They don't need to see me doing that hell I don't even like when we get interrupted by my sisters." Karen cried and started to panic even more. "Baby listen to me I can promise you they know better than to go through everything. Ki and J.Drew are grown and Faith and Ronnie they aren't even that nosy like their older siblings are." Drew said as he cupped his wife's face wiping her tears away and Karen just had to shake her head agreeing with him trying to think positive about this situation.

"But Drew if they saw it then I won't be able to live with myself and then, I won't be able to do what I like doing to please you." Karen whined while stomping her feet and even though this was supposed to be a serious situation, Drew couldn't help but to give a small, soft, quick smile. "Baby come here it'll be okay." Drew said hugging his wife. "Maybe I could just ask before I worry myself to death about it." Karen said. "But I don't know how I'm a bring it up." Karen said as her head was now tucked into the crook of her husband's neck. "Maybe we could have another Family therapy session with just the kids and us?" Drew suggested and immediately, Karen popped up shaking her head no. "Drew I can't do that." Karen said with a dry but serious voice.

"Drew remember when I told my sisters?" Karen asked him. "Yes but they were your sisters theses are our children they cannot get that upset or that mad like the sisters could." Drew told her. "But I don't wanna have that conversation it already slipped when I was talking to Faith but I don't think she really remembered since it was so quick and fast that I tried to brush the conversation to the side." Karen said. "And then, if I tell them about being a stripper and about the tapes then, Ronnie is gonna wanna know more about who her father is and who owned the night club in the first place and Drew I don't need our kids looking at me like I'm some crazy bitch." Karen bluntly said putting one hand on her hip knowing she had a tendency to speak well of Tyrone even though he abused her and tried to kill, Ronnie to break her and to stop her from running from him.

"Karen they won't look at you like that and you're not a crazy bitch for something that you can't help. You can do this I'll be right there with you." Drew told her while he pulled her into hold her where they were standing in the middle of their closest. "Drew I know that but I can't do it. I won't do it. I hated having to remember who Tyrone was that was a year of hell." Karen said referring back to her hypnotherapy sessions. "And he's probably still out there wondering where the hell I am." Karen said deeply inhaling and Drew felt his wife's body getting tense. "You're still afraid that he might try to find you?" Drew asked her and Karen's head slowly dropped as she shook her head yes. "Drew even though it's been years...Almost a whole decade since I last been with him he's truly, insane every definition of the word. Just pure insanity and I don't want him coming back to look for me or Ronnie." Karen told him.

"And I don't want for Ronnie trying to find out who her father was especially if they seen one of the tapes." Karen said in a worried voice. "I can't and I won't allow it." Karen said as she pulled away from him going back into their bedroom. "It's already bad enough my sisters thought I needed major help after one conversation of just talking about him." Karen said as she got herself underneath the covers and Drew followed her right back into the bed. "Baby, I'm sure they weren't judging you they were just worried about you." Drew said as he caressed her face. "No, Drew you should've seen the looks on their faces when I started talking about him like I was an idiot." Karen said. "I didn't understand why they were looking at me like that until, Dr.Womack played back the conversation she had recorded." Karen cried and Drew just cuddled her. "Drew I defended the man the whole entire time after I remembered what he'd done to me. Like I spoke well of him like he was you and I wasn't even high!" Karen panicked.

"What happens if he finds us and I just go with him and I take Ronnie with me because I can't remember what he did the last time then I would really not have a chance of coming back home again?" Karen cried as Drew just placed a comforting hand over his wife's stomach before they went to sleep. "Well, I know one thing nobody is gonna take my wife and kids away from me again." Drew said as he leaned over and kissed on the lips and the cheek.

"Drew I'm scared." Karen admitted as she turned over to actually face him this time. "I think he knew I had a disorder and that was how he got over on me." Karen told him. "Because apparently everyone else knew who I was but no one had the decency to help me escape to not even call the police do you know how much sooner I would've been home if someone had gotten the police involved?" She rhetorically asked him. "Nobody did anything because he ran that whole entire neighborhood. Karen said. " Everybody was afraid of him."

Karen said and Drew just listened to his wife. "Drew what if I fuck up and he comes here when I'm having an episode and I beat, Ronnie into going with me?" Karen asked him. "Okay. Here's what we gonna do. We're gonna book another session with Dr.Womack and we're gonna tell the kids." Drew told her. "Nooo, but Dreww.." Karen whined and he stopped her. "No because if something like that happens then they'll know what to do and I'm sure, J.Drew wouldn't have a problem stepping into to protect Ronnie if he had too and I'm not home at the moment. Because if he's still out there looking for you we need to at least have a safety plan in place." Drew told her.

"Cause I'd be damned if I lose my wife again." Drew said as he gently kissed her hand and sucked on her neck a little bit causing her to moan a little bit as they got into a heated make out session. Which made, Karen wrap her legs around, Drew's waist causing her to get wetter as he lightly bit and licked the top of her breasts making her back arch a little. "Drew pleasee." Karen begged with her arms now wrapped his neck. "Nope." He said suddenly, stopping leaving her panting for more. "Until we go to this session and everything is talked about then, I'll finish what I started." Drew said as he just pulled her into a hug and cuddled her which annoyed, Karen to no end.

But she knew she had to go.

To be continued...


What did y'all think about this chapter?

What did y'all think about Karen's reaction and the talk that she had with Drew?

What tape do y'all think that she's talking about other than the Freaknik one?

Do y'all think that Karen should tell Veronica about her father or not? Because Veronica knows he tried to kill her and how. She just didn't know who he actually was.

Do y'all think that Karen is gonna confront her kids about going into the box before her therapy session or at the session?

Thoughts or comments?

Thanks for reading!

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