A tragedy P3

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.

Notes: Karen has since gotten used to her new routine even though she's growing frustrated with how the progress is going.

~ Sorry y'all I had to turn this chapter into a Tyler Perry and the Color Purple

(y'all know the one scene where Sofia is sitting at the table with her family again cause that's one of my favorite scenes in the Color Purple and the imagery kind of fit for this chapter). Y'all can listen to the song at any time because this is one of my favorite songs by Karen. It's actually my number one favorite song by her. Also, this is kind of a long chapter as well. So, enjoy!

It's now been a couple of weeks since Karen has been in occupational therapy and so, far no progress have been made which caused her great frustration. "It's okay, it's okay." Her OT said as she worked with Karen on the hand exercises. "It takes a while before we see any real progress to show up." She told her. "Like before we don't want you to over exert yourself." She said and Karen just sighed in frustrated as she stopped and then, once again they talked about how she was feeling with having to have almost everyone help her with the basic needs at home.

"They're helpful." Karen said as she slowly breathed out. "Everyone wants to help out in some type of way and sometimes I just can't deal with it." Karen admitted. "And that's why you have only your sisters and husband helping you for the most part." Her OT asked her. "Yeah and my in-laws." Karen said. "They help with the kids." Karen said and the OT just gave her a soft smile. "That's good you have help and a support system." She told her. "You can lean on them when you need too." She said as she went onto the other exercise and Karen just let her talk not really feeling up to talking so much and Karen nodded her head as well as she looked back over her other tests and paperwork.

"But I do have to ask is there something else that could be causing you stress at home because your blood pressure have just been up for these past few weeks." The OT asked her and Karen bit her lip thinking about it while shrugging her arms. "Now, we can't have no answer because it is a bit close to the danger zone." Her OT told her. "So, whatever it is we need for you to relieve yourself of the stress." She told her. "Well, I'm still trying to get used to this new schedule and I've just been frustrated." Karen said being a bit open. "I have 7 kids and they all need me but I can't be there for them and especially not for one of them." Karen said as she was sitting in her wheelchair. "I don't mean to brush off that one but I-I just can't and I know it's not fair but it's difficult between me and her." Karen said talking about Faith.

"Well have you tried letting her help you so, your relationship can get stronger during your time of need?" The OT asked her as she was working Karen's elbow. "I tried but now she just stays out the way which I'm fine with. We're fine." Karen said. "Because I already have more than enough people helping me and I don't need anymore help." Karen said as she was now frustrated. "And it feels like I'm forgetting something but I can't remember because everything has just been so, hectic lately with all the changes." Karen told her. "Yeah usually within the first month or two the family will start to adjust to the new changes and adapt too it." She said as she was now done with Karen for today. "But we should start seeing some real progress hopefully next month we just have to stick to the plan and no outside stress." The OT said. "But we can start to try these hand exercises at home." She told, Karen giving her a bit of good news.

After she was done with therapy for today as usual, Jacky was there to pick her up as Drew helped her into the car. When they finally made it back home, Karen was back to her crying spells being so torn over not being able to do anything it was like she was in misery and even though her husband had given her encouraging words some days were just harder than others as she tried to remain positive and she tried to remain hopeful. But it was easier said than done.

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