Dreams are for real

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.

Notes: Dr.Mattie Moss Clark appears to Dorinda and Jacky after they have been snooty with Karen for the longest time and she's had it with her girls.

Sidenote: This chapter was requested by a couple of y'all since the middle of this story to see Dr.Mattie Moss Clark appear and a handful of y'all not too long ago so, I'm delivering on it.

TW: Graphic imagery of SA and mentions of cutting. A very hard to read chapter as their mama takes them through a series of events that happened to Karen that caused her great pain so, they could understand her or at least where she's coming from since they weren't trying to talk too her as their treatment towards her was now messing with her mental health again.

It had been three weeks since the custody battle and since the sisters haven't spoke to each other. Dr.Mattie Moss Clark was watching from Heaven how her girls were behaving towards each other more like how they were acting towards, Karen. She saw how, Karen was being more of a mother to Faith getting to know her daughter better and actually building a relationship with her this time. But she also had started to eat her feelings away with her food after every therapy session so, she wouldn't have misplaced anger or harm herself as she wanted to considering that her sisters would ignore her unless it was something about the church or visiting Faith as well as dropping their kids off of their to see Faith since they grew up as siblings together.

Their mama also, knew that Karen would carry the heavy burden of crying herself to sleep at night like she's done many times before thinking that she ruined her family just because she gained custody of her daughter. So, on the outside it looked as if Karen was doing well when they saw her but on the inside she was still hurting because her sisters had once again shut her out. Not completely but they shut out enough to let her know that she was now on her own and she had no sisterhood with them except for Twinkie who was Karen's confidant. Now, on the other hand Twinkie still had a relationship with all her sisters and she didn't like how they were acting towards each other and so, she prayed to God for an answer and He sent her one.

The appearance:

"Where am I?" Dorinda asked as she appeared first in a dark spacious matter. "Do-Dorinda is that you?" Jacky asked appearing to her sister. "Where the hell are we?" Dorinda asked. "Watch yo mouth in front of me." Dr.Mattie Moss Clark said coming towards her two daughters. "MAMA?!" They asked shocked and scared out of their minds thinking that they had just suddenly died. "Did we die?!" Dorinda cried thinking that they suddenly died and Jacky started panicking. "Stop that cryin' and hollering y'all ain't die!" Matti said with one hip on her hand. "Then, where are we?" Dorinda asked her mama wiping her tears away. "And why does it feel so real?"

Doe asked confused. "Stop asking all those questions and just listen to me." Their mama told them. "I see how y'all been doing Karen and I don't appreciate it." She said and the girls knew that they were gonna get scolded. "But mama we were just lookin' out-" Dorinda said before Mattie stopped her. "Nope don't say you were just lookin' out for her that's not what y'all were doin' y'all were trying to control her." Mattie said. "Let me tell y'all something your baby sister." Matti said as she was now upset with her girls.

"My baby have endured hell from the time she was a child up until now and y'all are still giving her hell. I never would've thought y'all would do that to her." Matti said shaking her head with one hip on her hand. "I should throw my shoe at y'all for what y'all did to her. Y'all are supposed to protect her in a better way not hurt her y'all know she's sensitive!" Matti lectured them.

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