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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.

Notes: The family celebrates their win as Faith comes home to a new room.

TW: Smut 🌚

After the custody battle was over the sisters made their way out of the court house having a bad attitude about losing the case but they kept it together in front of Faith. But Faith saw how they were giving daggers at Karen as they thought about how once again, Karen had somehow won custody of her daughter when they were so sure that they were going to win. But everything they used against her had back fired. So, they watched, Faith happily get into the car with her mother and Drew since the kids were back at home. But before they had left, Karen had tried to make a clean break with her sisters. "Y'all know y'all can still see Faith right?" Karen said being gracious to them although they were never really gracious with her.

"It's not like I'm a stop you from seeing her... I mean we just need some time apart from each other for now and I wanna get to know my daughter more and on my own. I thank y'all for caring for her and for telling me what she needed but she's mine now I got it from here. I know I can raise her now. It's-it's just that I needed some help is all." She sweetly told them in her raspy voice as she was really genuine about it as she tried to give them a hug but they backed away from her looking at her as if they didn't want her to touch them and being the petty sisters that they were they didn't see Karen being gracious as Dorinda spoke up from the group. "Oh don't worry we weren't gonna stop seeing our niece now that you have full-custody of her." Dorinda said looking her baby sister up and down as Karen was trying to be nice to them not wanting them to think anything of her. But Karen just ignored their actions shaking her head placing her hand over her temple, Drew saw his wife coming up behind her. "Let's go home." Drew said kissing his wife on her forehead rescuing her from a verbal fight that could've turned into a physical one.

Once he did that they were on their way home glad that they didn't have to worry about anymore trials or custody cases especially since this was like the third time, Karen had to go through this and the second time her sisters had to go through it and she was sure that they were tired of spending their money on trying to take away her kids from her just because they thought she was an unfit parent because of her disorder. It wasn't like Karen was ever gonna beat them when she was in an episode which is what she had to force herself to do. But it was just easier for her mouth to go off before her feelings caught up with her. It felt as if her mind was slipping away quicker during those times and wouldn't come back to her until she had treatment or had someone to talk her through it which was why it was so, important for her to go see Dr.Womack and for her family to identify her starting point of when her triggers were about to happen.

When they made it home the parents walked in first as the kids were sitting on the couch watching tv with their grandma. "How'd it go?" Mama Sheard asked them looking back at her seeing that this one wasn't publicized on tv and then she saw Faith walk in. "Come here girl."

Mama Sheard said hugging her already knowing what that meant. "She's ours for good now?" Mama Sheard asked again making sure while kissing her on the forehead and Faith said yes nodding her head as Karen did the same and when the siblings heard that Ronnie was the first sibling to hug her moving her siblings outta the way since those two were like best friends when she first came here. "Faith you're back!" Ronnie screamed with joy hugging her sister/best friend. And the siblings just rejoiced so, thankful that their mother won the court case because they saw how hard, Karen took it and how mean their aunties can get deliberately trying to keep Faith away from their mother but disguising it as "caring for her" so, no could tell right off the bat unless you absolutely knew them.

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