Make up

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.


Drew comes back home and find the sisters in his bed cuddling their baby sister.

~Side note: Uh, Idk which one of y'all need to hear this but uh, Drew is always gonna be Karen's man so, y'all need to let that go. I love y'all but bby's Drew ain't leavin' his wife.
And Karen ain't sharing her man. Now, back to the story. 🤣😭😭

Upon arriving back home, Drew had noticed that their was another car parked in his drive way as the spot was left open for the garage door. "Damn it." He groaned knowing that Karen had to have had called her sisters after their argument. Drew couldn't stand seeing his wife like that in those pictures and he needed some fresh air before their argument had gone from bad to worse. He was never the one to hit his wife and vowed to never to do that knowing what it can do to a woman so, he just left once he felt his anger boiling underneath him and usually, nothing like that got him that damn upset. But Karen was his wife and the thought of her just being with another man like that in that situation made him mad as hell.

But he did have to take a step back as he sat in car thinking about what his wife might've gone through during those 7 years that she was away. She wasn't in her right mind and she was on medication for severe depression so, he wondered what else could've happened during that time when no one was around to help her.

He also knew that she didn't take not one thing of medication with her so, she can keep it at bay. So, he knew that someone had to have taken full advantage of his wife when she was in a vulnerable state. They just needed to find out who. So, they could deal with him properly.

He realized that he did over react before he had even stepped foot in their home and made plans to apologize to his wife if she was still up. He himself even knew that when, Karen came back home that she wasn't all there like the last time but what they didn't notice was how forgetful she had become since coming back home.

When he opened up his front door he came in locking it behind him as he slowly and quietly made his way to his room opening up his door he saw his sister-in-laws in the bed with Karen cuddling up with her as Jacky had one hand around her. But as soon as he stepped in, Jacky's eyes popped open along with Dorinda's and Twinkie's. "Drew." Jacky said dryly as she didn't even look at him but she knew he was sorry for how he over reacted. But that didn't mean she was gonna let him off the hook that easily. "Jacky, everyone." He quietly said nodding his head knowing that he was in trouble. "Let's talk outside." Jacky said as she got off the bed and the sisters followed her while, Dorinda looked him up and down. "Be glad, I'm not finna cut you right now." Dorinda threatened him as she rolled her neck walking out of her baby sister's room.

Going downstairs the sisters were all standing in one spot together behind the island waiting for Drew as he closed the room door behind him he sighed making his way back downstairs.

"Idiot!" Dorinda lightly scolded him. "Why would you even walk out on our sister like that Drew?" Jacky asked him with her hands on her hips as she wanted to smack him upside his head. "You know she probably wasn't in her right mind when that happened." Twinkie said. "Y'all I know, I overreacted." Drew admitted as the sisters immediately got on his case before he even had the chance to say anything.

"You betta know because you had our sister thinking that her damn marriage was over. Girl had a panic attack and past out before she even called us." Jacky told him and Drew knew, Karen was telling the truth but he just couldn't hear it right then seeing those pictures deeply hurt him. "Why would you even think, Karen would cheat on you?!" Jacky rhetorically asked him. "You know she wouldn't. She's crazy about you. We damn near had to tell her that when she first came back home. Not even when her foolish self gave you permission to go out with other women." Jacky told him. "And now, we gotta tell you too. The devil is a lie." Jacky said scoffing.

"Look, I know it's bad. But y'all I just needed some time to figure out what was gonna happen because those pictures had me bent." Drew said. "Well, where are they?" Dorinda asked wanting to see them and Drew looked at the kitchen floor. "I don't know, Karen must've picked them up and put them somewhere hopefully she didn't do anything to destroy them again." Drew said. "Oh, and that's another thing don't be throwin' shit outta anger at my baby sister or I'mma throw you!" Jacky lightly hollered at him as she gritted her teeth and he knew, Jacky wasn't playin'. "I don't care what it is!" Jacky hollered. "I'll get Glynn to come down here the next time." Jacky said and he knew, Glynn ain't play about none of the sisters especially, Karen since she was the baby and her and Drew had got married last.

"Don't you make my baby sister cry like that no mo'." Doe said squinting her eyes at him ready to hit him. "I know, I'll make it up to her." Drew promised. "Betta we gonna hold yo ass to it too." Jacky said. "And don't think we won't ask hur either." Jacky told him. "Mmhmm." Both Twinkie and Dorinda said.

"But on a more serious note." Jacky said after all that was squared out the way as she leaned on the island top. "We need to tell you something about Karen." Jacky said as they all looked at him with a serious face and Drew wanted to know what it was now.

"While you were gone and when she was having a mini breakdown she had suddenly, forgot her name when we called her and she didn't know who we were." Jacky said. "It scared the hell out of us." Dorinda added on. "Have you noticed she started doing that?" Jacky asked him thinking back to when the sisters had that sex conversation and Karen kept zoning out and took forever to answer them back. When she wasn't going off in a daze about Drew. Jacky knew her baby sister tried to play it off. But she knew better than to confront, Karen about it right then and there.

But now was the time to tell, Drew about it.

And Drew just shook his head no. "Well, you need to talk too her about it." Jacky said. "Because I don't want my baby sister alone if something else is up with her and she got three new babies to care for." Jacky said, "On top of her trying to build up a stronger relationship with Faith." Jacky said.

"But she was so adamant about her name not being Karen for the longest time until it was like she finally remembered all on her on." Jacky told him and now, Drew wanted to know what was going on with his poor wife such as why had Karen been keeping this from him, from them? He thought to himself. As more questions were going through his mind like Why didn't she tell them? So, they could get her immediate help.

"I think you know what we have to do." Jacky said as the other two sisters just nodded their head in agreement and Dorinda folded her arms. "Alright I'll talk to her about it."
Drew said knowing that his wife wasn't going to be too happy about this upcoming conversation that they had to have.

So, he nodded as the sisters finished talking watching them leave out of their house.

Going back upstairs to their bedroom he took off his jacket hanging it up and getting ready for bed. He got next to his wife who was still knocked out from crying and worrying kissing her on her forehead as he put the bed sheets and comforter over her.

To be continued...


What y'all think about this chapter and the sisters comin' for Drew?

Drew finally calmed his ass down.

Y'all think, Karen is gonna fess up about her memory problems?

What y'all think they gonna do for her? 🌚

And more drama to come this is only the beginning!

Thanks for reading!

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