Talk it out P2.

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.


After Karen's last couple of therapy sessions Dr.Womack decides that it's time for Karen to talk about how she's feeling again to Drew again sensing that her self-confidence is dropping even though she tries to mask it. But Dr.Womack can see right through the facade.

TW: Mentions of self-harm.

It was Karen's last therapy session of the month and the previous one they had just finished the last round of hypnotherapy sessions which meant it was now just Karen at her therapy sessions with anyone as it had originally been. She was grateful that Snoop had took J.Drew for the weekend so, maybe she could stop worrying about the rash decisions her son was trying to make about his future. So, she thought to herself that when she got back home she knew she would have a little bit of time to herself. Hopefully. Before she came in her sisters dropped her off wondering if they needed to come in with her considering that it was going to be a full follow-up of how everything has been going with her and usually they stayed for the follow-up since that was like their report on how their baby sister had been doing since she came back home.

"Are you sure you don't need us to come in?" Dorinda asked her sister. "Yeah sis we don't mind." Jacky said with a worried look on her face wondering why, Karen insisted that they didn't need to come in when she was in the car. "Yeah, y'all I'm fine I'll just be out here when I'm done. I'll call y'all to let y'all know." Karen said as she gave her sisters a soft smile and a wave goodbye. When she got to the buildings door she walked in looking behind her shoulder after her sisters pulled off making sure she was in. Once they left she rolled her eyes finally free of having to keep up this charade. When she made it to Dr.Womack's office she aggressively signed in sitting down on one of the chairs almost as if she was pissed off. She really wasn't sure why she was pissed off but she was and for the last few weeks she hadn't been feeling like herself and she wondered if her sisters had noticed. Was the hypnotherapy sessions supposed to make her feel this way?

She wasn't sure if was her memories that was making her feel this way or not? She couldn't really tell. When it was time for Karen to be called back she slowly got up taking a deep breath not even ready for this conversation to be had. But if she was being honest with herself her moods were split into two the first one was dreadfulness because she wasn't sure of how she was supposed to explain herself and she just didn't care which confused her even more. Sure she was happy around her kids and her family and she was glad to be back but other times she just didn't know what to do. She felt as if she was still lost even after coming back home and realizing that she needed her family with her to get through this because going through it alone the second time was painful.

Back in Jacky's car the sisters talked for a little bit. "Do y'all think that Karen's okay?" Dorinda asked worried about their baby sister. "hmm I don't know something seemed reallll off with her." Jacky said shaking her head. "Twinkie do you wanna talk to Karen for us?" Dorinda asked her second oldest sister as she sat in the back seat of Jacky's car. "I mean, I could but I don't think she would wanna open up." Twinkie said as she was the one who was sittin' in the backseat with her this time. "Maybe we should do something for her?" Doe asked them. "Like what, what we gonna do for her to make her feel better?" Jacky asked her as she quickly looked at her sister and then back at the road. "I don't know. We could figure out something." Doe said.

"Maybe she's going through depression again." Jacky said thinking about what's going on with their baby sister. "But if she is remember how it was the first time and we couldn't make her feel better about anything?" Dorinda rhetorically asked them and they just shook their heads yes. " I don't ever wanna see her that down again." Jacky said, "That was to painful too bare." She said remembering how right after they tried to make her feel better that was when she had her suicide attempt that they had witnessed which they thought was their first one when she was pregnant with Faith but it turns out that it wasn't after she had told them everything.

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