Something's not right

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.


After the sisters spice up their sex lives for a bit they talk to Karen about it for a bit not noticing that something was off with their baby sister.

"I can't believe he made me call him, Daddy who the hell he think he is?" Dorinda said as her arms were hugging herself. "We ain't neva done that before." Dorinda said rubbing her own shoulders for comfort remembering how, Greg dicked her down. While Jacky looked away stating her own new found experience. "This man bamboozled me." Jacky said thinking about what occurred last night in her bedroom. "I never knew his fingers were such a gift." Jacky said quietly to herself not realizing that her husband had a secret weapon now. "This man made me squirt." Jacky quietly, squealed and her sisters laugh. "Mmhm." Karen said nodding her head. "How did it feel?" Karen asked. "Like, like I had to pee." She admitted. "Is that what Drew does to you every time?" Jacky asked. "Well not every time but it sure does seem like it." Karen said smirking. "I mean it wasn't a lot but it was enuff." Jacky said. "Wheww just keep goin' and you'll be squirtin' all ova the place one day." Karen admitted and the sisters covered their mouths gasping in shock. "It can be a lot sometimes." Karen said nodding her head.

"Them kids gonna have to go somewhere else one of y'all watch them for me and Glynn." Jacky said already planning a night at the house by themselves. "Now, I understand why you scream sooo loud." Jacky said and Dorinda hated to admit it. "Same." She mumbled. "We need to rotate in watching kids or sumthin' cause Karen can't be havin' all this fun by herself no mo'." Doe said. "Aweee I created a couple of monsters." Karen smiled proud of her work and Twinkie just shook her head at her baby sister while holding a cup of water. "I can see why Ki and J.Drew don't ever wanna be home especially on the weekend y'all be scarin' them kids." Jacky said. "Well, now you know that you really can't help it unless he kisses you while you're screaming which is what he does to me all the time." Karen admitted.

"Thank goodness you got your tubes tied." Dorinda said, "Cause you would've had a baby right now the way you described how y'all were goin' last night." Doe said and Karen chuckled. "Jacky tell, Glynn I said he didn't have to snitch on me that wasn't right." Karen said and Jacky laughed. "Drew put that thang on you for that didn't he?" Jacky asked and Karen nodded her head shamefully. "Then, stop takin' my husband's chair every time you come ova." She said. "But it just feels so comfortable for my legs." Karen said as she was stretching them out on her own couch after getting the feeling back in them earlier this afternoon.

"And Doe, I know you ain't talkin' when you don't let, Greg pull out." She said. "Uh, uh first of all I let him pull out but he's the one who don't pull out always tryin' to get me pregnant at this big age. I ain't carryin' no mo' babies." Dorinda said. "I don't know why y'all complainin' I'm the oldest one here and Glynn still acts like he can get me pregnant." Jacky said. "But remember when I thought I couldn't have anymore babies and boom I popped out three more?" Karen rhetorically asked. "One sets of twins and another one right after that not even shy of four months by the time I got pregnant again after having the twins and Kadence was already in me right after the doctor gave us the okay to resume sexual activity." Karen said rolling her eyes at the thought of Drew knocking her up again.

"It's still possible for y'all to get pregnant." Karen said. "If y'all ain't want no mo' kids y'all should've just got y'alls tubes tied after having y'all last babies." Karen said shaking her head knowing that pregnancy could still happen for them even though the chances are slim and the complications are still higher. "Not uh, don't put that on me we ain't havin' no mo'." Dorinda said and Jacky agreed pointin' towards her sister.

While they talked about what happened during that night and other upcoming events that Karen was working on since her return back to music she suddenly, started to drift away from the conversation not realizing what was happening as her hands slowly through the side of her hair feeling that something was missing but she didn't know what it was.

"Karen!" Jacky called out to her baby sister and Karen looked like she was paying attention at first until they realized that she wasn't and her mind was literally elsewhere. "Karennnn." Doe called out to their baby sister and Twinkie started snapping at to pull her back in until, Karen jumped at the sound of the noise and she looked at them like they needed help.

"Karen I know yo butt wasn't thinkin' about Drew." Jacky said as she knew that when they would have those types of conversations that Karen would be delayed and her mind would literally be on Drew. But not this time as she just stared at them trying to say something or gather her thoughts. "Karen!" Twinkie said snapping her baby sister back into the conversation and finally, Karen came back to them.

"Huh, whatt? I'm sorry, I was just thinkin' about work." Karen said trying to play it off as that wasn't what she was thinking about. She wasn't even thinking about Drew. What she was really thinking about why herself and the fact that she couldn't remember something that was very important. Every since she had accepted, Faith as her daughter something had seemed off and when she started spending more time with her during church she felt like she was forgetting something and bits and pieces of her memories were missing. But she just didn't know what it was she didn't even want to explain what else was happening to her when someone tried to get her attention and it scared her because how could she forget something that she's known all her life.

But yet she played it off so, well up until this point as it was starting to slip through her fingers again. She just prayed to God that she wouldn't keep doing this because she really didn't want to waste all the hard work that she did on getting her life back on track and the fact that she finally started to give herself full credit on how far she's come.

But soon she felt it was all beginning to slowly, slip away.

To be continued...


How y'all feel about this chapter?

What y'all think that Karen is forgettin'?

What y'all think gonna happen next?

And more drama to come!

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