The Church's Business

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.

Notes: The church becomes concerned about Karen fulfilling her role as First Lady and they organize a meeting to talk with the Bishop about his absentee wife.

~Sidenote: That's the dress that Karen is wearing again because I love it. 🥺♥️

TW: Mentions of sexual abuse, hospitalization, agoraphobia,

It was a Wednesday night after bible study and some of the board members and church staff who held the church needed to talk too their Bishop about a concerning matter. "Bishop!" One of the attendees called out and the Bishop turned around greeting him once again more. "Um, some of the members would like to call a meeting after church on Sunday." He said in his rusty voice. "A meeting for...what exactly?" The Bishop asked seeing that he wasn't the president. "Well, let me just get the president over here." He said as he quickly walked away. "Mmhm you go do that." The Bishop said shaking his head knowing that these church members was once again going to ask about Karen except this time it's not about her whereabouts since they know for a fact that she is home now and has been for years now.

"Bishop." The president said shaking his head. "Can we go talk in the designated fellowship area?" Demarcus asked him and Drew just shook his head yes following the two men. "Now, what is this about?" The Bishop asked them as he looked in between the two men. "Well, it's about the First Lady. How has she been since returning home from God knows where after all these years?" The church member said and Bishop nearly, made a face but straightened it up. "Your First Lady is doing fine she's hanging in there." He said knowing that the two heard about the shoot up but instead of doing it in a decent manner they brought it up this way.

"Hm." The President. "Mmhm" the other church member mumbled. "We ask this and we mean no disrespect we ask only because we would like for our First Lady to be more consistent in attending church. Being involved regardless of what the problem maybe." The President said. "We can talk about this more in the meeting that'll be next, Sunday after church and we would like no, we demand that Karen will be in attandance." The president said and Drew was taken aback by their rude demeanor and scoffed at them. "I know they didn't-" He gritted needing to calm himself down before he went back to greet a few more people before locking the church doors. "This some mess." Drew said as he got finished for today.

So, when he got home he told his wife the news as she was now out of the psych ward and had been home for a few weeks now.

"They want me to do what?" Karen asked her husband as she was already ready in bed. "They demanded that you'll come to church next Sunday. This is ridiculous!" Drew said and Karen just rubbed her husband's shoulders. "Calm down, Drew I'll do it." Karen lightly said gulping. "You'll do what?" He asked highly confused. "I'll go to church. I mean-I haven't been there in months. They're right." Karen said as she started rambling off and Drew noticed that Karen would sometimes let them treat her like a doormat just so, she can get a pinch of respect.

"You'll do no such thing just because they demanded it." Drew said shaking his head. "I'm the Bishop and I still have some power where I can over rule them it might not be a great deal of it but I got some." Drew said seeing how small his power actually was and wondered what in the hell was the sister's father thinking putting his youngest daughter through trauma and for what? Nothing. So, he was gonna be damned if he did that to his wife. "Drew, I'm not gonna let them run all over me." Karen said and Drew looked back at her giving her a look. "What's that look?"

Karen asked him frowning up. "Karen you do let people do that it may not be on purpose but it's still there." He said. "You act like I can't stand up for myself." Karen mumbled as she put the bed covers back over on her. "Now, honey I never said that it's just I hate what people do to you and I'd be damned if I'm a let our church run over on you too. Drew told her as she sadly just laid her head down on her pillow. "It's gonna be okay." Drew said as he kissed his wife's cheek goodnight letting Karen cuddle with him some.

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