You've been served!

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.

Notes: Karen gets some unwanted news as it sends her to the hospital.

~Sidenote: We gonna appreciate this picture of Tamela and yes I did crop out, David. I just wanted, Tamela no shade to David y'all I love him. 😭

TW: Heart attack.

After the last time she saw Faith she had to admit that things had gotten harder back at home. Everyone was either mad at her or was giving her the cold shoulder for not fixing things with Faith like she should have. Granted the most part came from her being traumatized and the other half came from her disorder which they understood. But at the same time they knew that if she really wanted to have a relationship with her daughter then she could've made it happen instead of letting things get this bad. But for some reason she just couldn't deal with Faith like how she wanted to and needless to say she already felt awful about it as Drew had even stopped talking to her like he used to after laying her out after the argument.

He had heard everything while standing at the top of the steps and he knew she had went into an episode but she had no desire to try too control it. He had no idea what was going on with his wife because her disorder had never gotten this outta hand before with Faith. But he knew there was something else they just weren't seeing it yet. He had a couple of things he could think of that could be the reason why things had gotten this bad. One it could be that she was trying to push the girl away after forgetting about her birthday because she felt terrible about it and didn't know how to make it up to her, the custody battle that she didn't know about consciously or if Faith's connection to her was bothering her because he remembered how, Karen would act towards, Faith when, Tammy had first brought her around and it was like Karen was reverting back to that same attitude which no one could really tolerate from her. They dealt with it but they didn't press on to not make her too upset pointing that one fact out when it's the elephant in the room and it felt like everyone knew but no one could talk too her about it.

But what they did do was told her how to make it up to Faith numerous of times before that even happened and yet again Karen let her pride and fear get the best of her. So, there they were arguing over every small thing all because Karen couldn't get it together when it came to Faith not after, Tamela called him hollering over the phone after she held and watched, Faith cry herself to sleep over her mother. So, Karen got laid out twice by the people who she both loved.


It was 10pm at night as Drew was waken up out of his sleep. Tamela couldn't stand being asleep knowing that nothing was done for Faith on the count of Karen letting her disorder get the best of her and it ended up deeply hurting Faith once again. Tamela was to afraid too even leave Faith afraid that she might hurt herself over what her mother said and how badly she was crying.

"Tamela?!" Drew said rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. "Put Karen's black ass on this damn phone NEOWW!" Tam said mad as hell and Drew immediately shook his wife awake. "Whatt?" Karen yawned waking up and Drew was now fully awake looking the other way as he didn't want to be apart of this conversation that was about to be had. "It's for you." He said handing her the phone half scared of Tamela. "Hello?" Karen said not asking Drew who it was and it was no other than, Tamela greeting her with an old fashion, let me tell you sumthin' bout yourself. "YOU OLE' HEFFA!" Tam said highly upset. "Why in the hell would you hit that girl like that and treat her the way that you did?!" Tamela said as she started to go off. "DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU JUST DID TO HER TONIGHT ALL BECAUSE YOU LET YOUR FEELINGS GET IN THE WAY?!" Tamela yelled at her.

"I tried keeping quiet about this but I can't you damn near made me wanna check her into a psych ward because of what you did to her she would NOT STOP CRYING TONIGHT. YOU BETTA BE GLAD FAITH WANTED TO LEAVE FROM YOUR HOUSE TONIGHT WHEN SHE DID BECAUSE I WOULD'VE BEAT YO ASS FOR WHAT YOU DID TO HER, YOU HAVE HER HERE HATING HERSELF BECAUSE YOU DON'T LOVE HER!" Tamela yelled at her and David was right behind, Tamela trying to get the phone from her because she was too heated. "DAVID MOVE FROM BEHIND ME BEFORE YOU GET LAID OUT TOO!" Tamela threatened him and David stood back saying 'he tried to calm down the situation.'

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