Ran Out Of Faith P3.

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.


A continuation from last chapter as things get out of control. Faith gets tired of having to have to go over from house to house feeling a bit unstable as her mother drags her back to the one house where she no longer wants to be.


Brace yourself because the second shift is in this chapter for this story and y'all may or may not feel differently about a certain person after this chapter. But I must remind you all to keep in mind that our baby has a disorder and hopefully things will get better. Hopefully. But enjoy!

"Faith where are you going?! " Veronica texted her sister. "Anywhere but there." Faith replied back to her. "You don't mean that mom is like losing her mind, COME BACK HOMEEE!!! " Veronica texted her. "Nope. That's not my home and I'm done! " Faith texted to her as she put her phone away and continued walking to God knows where in the dark.

"What's going on?" Kierra said coming out of her room as she heard all the commotion after coming back home a while ago. "I don't know mom and Faith got into an argument and Faith left the house and no one knows where she went and mom left looking for her and she told me to stay here." Veronica said in a panic. "Mama left?!" Kierra said.

"Yeah." Ronnie said sniffling. "Mama knows she's not supposed to leave the house like that." Kierra said and it scared, Veronica even more. "What do you mean by that?!" Ronnie panicked as she saw Kierra putting on her jacket.

"I'm a go out there and find them. Ronnie try calling dad to see if you can get a hold of him to tell him what happened so he can come home now!" Kierra said as she was now down the steps. "But what if he doesn't answer?!" She yelled down the stairs. "Try calling the aunties this is a mess!" Kierra said grabbing her car keys and heading out the door looking for her mama and her little sister.

When Kierra left out of the house, Veronica sighed a loud an audible sigh as she started calling their dad. When she finally got a hold of him she told him everything that happened especially how, Kierra went looking for them and he left off of work early rushing home to get his wife and kids. But before he left he called, Jacky just in case telling her to get the sisters to meet him over at his house and she agreed. Once, Drew was back in the neighborhood he drove around looking for them. He had called, Kierra to see if she had any luck finding the two but she didn't. So, he told her to meet him at a spot.

"Dad what do we do if we can't find them?!" Kierra asked them worried about them. "We call the police your aunt Jacky is gonna be back at the house when we get there if they're still not back there yet." Drew said and Kierra knew the rest of her aunties were gonna be there. "Okay just keep looking for them until it hits midnight." Drew said. "And I want you back at the house at that time even if you don't have them alright?!" He told her hollering out his car window. "Okay dad!" Kierra said as she drove off through the neighborhood looking for them.

Back at home their aunties had just gotten into the house. "Where's J.Drew at Veronica?" Her auntie Jacky asked her. "He's upstairs he's been asleep this whole time." Ronnie said as she was just waiting on the couch worried and Jacky just shook her head at her nephew. "I even tried banging on the door." She told her. "Lawd let me go up there and wake him up." She said to warn him about the pending drama to keep his foolishness at a minimum and so, she did waking him up. "Aunt Jacky what you doing here?" J.Drew asked as he finally heard someone banging on his door like they was the police.

"Yo mama and yo little sister went out this house now your daddy and Ki is trying to find them why weren't you up watching your siblings?" Jacky asked him. "I thought Kierra was gonna do that when she came back home. I ain't know she even left or Faith and Mama had an argument. I ain't even hear it like I did with Ki and mama's argument they sounded like they were about to kill each other." J.Drew said thinking back to that time and Veronica just gasped in shock.

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