Dr.Womack P1.

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters

Notes: The sisters and Drew pays Dr.Womack a visit.

It was the next day when the sisters and Drew all went to her therapists office needing answers on why it seemed like Karen had cracked after so, much progress she had made.

She had six babies to care for and they didn't need for her mental health to breakdown again like it did the last time. That was just pure hell for them to go through. They wanted their baby sister to be healthy and happy not only for her children or Drew but for herself as well.
So, if anything after work they all made their way to the clinic.

"Oh hey, y'all." The assistant said as she was still very much familiar with them skipping the formal greeting that they had for their first initial meeting with each other. "What brings you all by today is everything alright with Karen?" She asked them.

But before, Drew could say anything Jacky cut in. "No." Jacky said shaking her head with her hand on her hips. "We need to book an appointment with Dr.Womack right away the next session that y'all have available." Jacky said pushing Drew aside as she took over.

"Okay." The assistant said kind of shocked.
As she pulled up the calendar. "Is she experiencing any symptoms or any withdrawals from her medication?" Her assistant asked them. "That's the thing we aren't sure." She said. "But it seems like she's having memory issues like she did the last time before she was diagnosed with IED and I don't think her medication is no longer helping her. Like it's helping her with IED but not with her memory."

Jacky explained to her. "It's very hard to explain unless, Dr.Womack sees it for herself."
Jacky said worried about her baby sister who was home with her kids right now.

"Okay." The assistant firmly said as she was typing in the availabilities sensing the urgency in Jacky's voice. "Okay." The assistant said finding an open spot with relief. "It looks like Dr.Womack will have another opening in about 30 minutes so, you all could either wait or come back." She said. "We'll wait." Jacky said not wanting anybody to take their open spot.

And the assistant just nodded her head putting them in. "Okay please take a seat." She said and they knew where to go.

"Y'all wanna call her and make sure she's okay?" Jacky asked as they all sat down right next to each other. "Yeah, I'll do that." Dorinda said as she started to call Karen's house phone.

Back at home, Karen was still staring at the pictures that nearly ruined her marriage. She was trying so desperately to remember how these came to be but she just could not. Her hands kept going over the little girl that was in the picture. "Why can't I remember you?" Karen asked as another migraine started to come on.

Karen wiped the falling tears from her eyes as she couldn't remember a single thing from when she was a stripper to an R&B singer. The only thing that she remembered during that time frame was stripping a lil for the audience, beating up that bitch (Alexis) who tried her, being called the H.B.I.C. But she didn't know why she was called that, she couldn't remember that handler who she was assigned to from Bad Boy Records, her performances, but she did remember when Drew came to see her backstage.

But everything else was a blur. It physically pained her to try to remember her past making her sick. So, much so that she had to stop looking at the pictures before she had a nervous breakdown over something that she couldn't control. But before she could even do that the house phone was ringing as she scooted up some to get it.

"Hello?" Karen answered in her raspy voice trying to sound as if she hadn't been crying.
"Karen are you okay?" Doe asked her sounding concerned as she straightened up in her seat and heard, Karen trying not to sniffle.

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