The Interviews P1

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.

Notes: Karen does an exclusive tell-all interview with Oprah Winfrey for her new album release for press as the media are in a frenzy about her permanent return to gospel music.

Sidenote: Can we just give it up for how GOOD'T, Karen looked in this interview with the Bishop? 🥺💕.

~This chapter is a bit unedited so, please forgive me.

TW: Talks of suicide, sexual abuse, mentions of being pimped out and depression.

"Tonight we have the legendary, Karen Clark Sheard here with us along with her legendary sisters apart of the multi-talented, famous gospel girl group of all time the Clark Sisters." Oprah Winfrey said as the cameras started to zoom in on her. "It had been years since, Karen-Clark Sheard had returned to music after her devastating attack outside of her own church walls that her and her husband run together hear her full-story tonight on how that night changed her life forever and to see how she's doing now." Oprah said with her serious tone on

It was a Thursday night and Karen had been scheduled to do an interview with Oprah Winfrey along with her sisters on what happened during those 7-years. Oprah herself were curious as she was known to be a notorious journalist and would switch up on you in a minute. But Karen had her guards up and she wasn't about to let anything set her progress back and not too many people knew about her disorder other than her family or if they were even paying close attention to the case since that part wasn't really filmed the first time they ever did a court case of the night she was attacked.

So, she just hoped that everything she learned in her therapy sessions would help her tonight as she prayed to God that Oprah wouldn't try to provoke her because before that would've been a bad idea. But now Oprah should thank God that Karen got it under control now with knowing how she can be with some artists and celebrities. Behind, Karen was her sisters who knew that she was nervously awaiting her call time to come out on Oprah's stage since this was a private interview with no audience attendees and that's how they knew this was a once and a life time interview.

Once the cameras were rolling they were called out on stage as Oprah introduced them after giving them their initial greetings to the viewers at home. "Now you all were raised in a strict household correct?" Oprah asked and the girls knew they had to answer this question carefully even though this was Karen's interview the sisters were gonna cut in if needed. "Our mother wasn't as strict as some people would like to think." Jacky said speaking first since she was the oldest of the bunch. "Yes she had rules and disciplined us but she wasn't overly religious to the point where it would scare you." Jacky added on and the girls just nodded their heads yes.

"Now, what about your fathers seeing that y'all have two different dad's?" Oprah asked. "Well they both were abusive." Jacky said. "Did any of you any suffer abuse or neglect from your father?" Oprah asked them as she looked at Karen and Jacky looked at Oprah. "Well we never really suffered any abuse me, Jacky or Twinkie and of course our mother divorced, Jacky's father and then married ours years later." Dorinda said "but we did all suffer from neglect our father was very wishy-washy and we saw him here and there." Dorinda added on. "Now, Dorinda you say that you three never suffered abuse what about you Karen?" Oprah asked catching onto that and Karen just bit the inside of her jaw and Karen looked back at her sisters pursing her lips. "Well my father wasn't really a father to me." Karen started to say. "As I got older I looked at him as more of a pimp." Karen awkwardly said and Oprah eyes widened in shock.

"I'm sorry?" Oprab asked her. "Let me explain my father would only beat me with me being the youngest I never knew why and it would always be when his friend would come over or I told him that Mister so and so did this or that to me and he would never believe me." Karen paused for a moment before going deeper into her trauma "And I was terrified of my friend's father. He was like my worst nightmare came to life." Karen said shrugging her shoulders. "As our father let him his friend molest his 7 year old daughter up until I was around 18." Karen said shrugging her shoulders. "It was just on and off and every time his friend would come around he would always give me gifts and I never knew what they were for at first I just thought oh this was his way of apologizing and trying to buy my love back." Karen said stopping for a bit before wiping her eyes. "But no it was just to basically let me know that he was coming and I was a business arrangement and I heard my father refer to me as that a couple of times before to him and I just thought it was always the singing but it wasn't that he was letting him sexually abuse me for money and to keep his position in church." Karen said shrugging her shoulders as she tried to keep it together.

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