Calm them boobs down

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.

Notes: The Clark Sisters are back yet again with more fun and drama.

"My boobs have just been leaking they need to calm down." Karen said as she patted her chest while she was laying down in bed trying to sleep. She got up holding her boobs while looking down her night shirt as Drew had just woke up. "Did I wake you?" She asked quietly looking over to her husband who was sleeping like a baby for no good reason. "Mm I been up for a few." He said placing a hand around her waist as she tried to fix them. "Do you want me to take a look at them?" He asked and Karen playfully eyed him rolling her eyes. "No the last time you did that you started drinkin' milk from them like you were the baby." Karen said playfully slapping her husband on his arm and he just smiled. "Well, I am your baby." Drew said. "You my big baby." Karen quietly giggled as she got some napkins from off their night table next to their bed and wiped the lactating milk that fell from her breasts.

"And that milk you made was good too." Drew said as he pulled her closer to cuddle her even though she was sittin' up. "I can't even believe you like breasts milk. Now, I know most men don't." Karen said learning that from Jacky as she eyed her husband. "But you just a freak you know that Drew?" Karen asked trying not to laugh too loud. "Well, I get it from you." He smirked while having his hand next to her side boob. "Drew move your hand so, I fix my boobies for my babies." Karen said as she looked up at the time knowing that she was gonna have to breast feed, Kadence in a little bit. It was something when Karen had the twins because she thought that her and Drew were at least gonna wait another year or two to have another baby or at least think about it. But that evening after the doctor said she's free for all sexual activity after she had the twins the two got right back into it and boom another nine months later she was pregnant again.

"You just couldn't wait to knock me up again right after the twins were born could you?" Karen asked pretending to be mad. "Well that's your own fault for having that good pussy." He smirked arching one eyebrow like he wanted to have sex again. "Not uh, you've had enough for this whole year." Karen told him. "Don't worry lil fella we'll be back in that thang again sometime this week." Drew said as he looked underneath the covers talking to his lil friend that Karen loved to ride so, much.

"It's anything but little." Karen playfully said but Drew still wasn't about to get any cause after they made Kadence, Drew wore her out and she had never been so glad that she had her tubes tied a little while after she gave birth to her last baby that she was ever gonna have again.

Because she was quite sure if she didn't get her tubes tied she would've been pregnant at this very moment the way he had took control and was goin' at it.

And Karen playfully rolled her eyes as she got out of the bed it was 3am.

Going into the nursery she saw, Kadence who was already awake with her little lip poked out gettin' ready to fuss. "My sweet baby girl mommy's got you." Karen cooed picking up her 3 month old daughter to breast feed her before she started to cry for her food while she sat in the rocking chair. As soon as Karen pulled out her boob, Kadence latched on quickly. Once, Karen was done with feeding her she burped her baby right back to sleep going to the other side of the room to check on the twins who now shared a room with Kadence. As well as checking on Faith who had her own room and she already knew that J.Drew and Kierra would be knocked out until the afternoon since it was a weekend and they had nothing planned.

Going back to her room she found, Drew to still be up waiting for her usually he would've gone into the nursery with her to help with Kadence but he decided to give those two some time together and plus, Kadance wasn't that fussy tonight because Karen went in a little bit earlier than when she would've started to cry. "Baby girl good?" Drew asked looking at his wife as she got back into their bed. "She is absolutely fine as a newborn baby could be." Karen said. "You know you have a greedy daughter." Karen said scooting up next to her husband. "She does get it from you if I do recall how someone kept eating all my food on that trip. Also, when we came home and after you had the twins." Drew said looking at his wife. "Well, I can't help but to have a big appetite." Karen smiled laying on his chest.

Before they went back to sleep, Karen told, Drew that the sisters would be coming over.

"So, Drew remember when I told you that the sisters were coming over later today?" Karen asked him as her hand was across her husband's chest. "Yeah." He said looking at his lovely wife and Karen started to chuckle. "So, I need for you to watch the kids for me." Karen said, "Or at least make sure that they don't come downstairs while we're talking I don't wanna traumatize them." Karen told him and Drew looked at his wife concerned with what they were gonna talk about.

"What y'all plannin on talkin' about anyways?" Drew asked her. "Well when we had that trip and we were the only couple that was gettin' it on and screamin' loudly they just wanted some tips and tricks." Karen said biting her lip as she looked at Drew.

"Karennn you tryin' to kiss and tell?" Drew asked her playfully. "Well they already heard us and poor, Jacky walked in on us. Mind you I was already cummin' mid-way through when that happened and my body just got a lil too excited when we got caught." Karen slightly, whispered shamefully and Drew sexily, chuckled at his wife. "I might be a freak but you the biggest one I know." Drew mumbled kissing his wife on the cheek. "Oh, hush." She playfully slapped. "You know I can't stop once my orgasm hits me." Karen told him and Drew knew just shaking his head agreeing with her. "Mmhm that's true." He said smirking while he massaged his wife's arm just loving how curvy these past two pregnancies had made her. He loved everything about her body and didn't care if she lost or gained weight.

"And so, I'm just helping my sisters out with their sex life." Karen said. "I'm a just tell them what we sometimes do." Karen told him and Drew just shook his head. "You don't need me there to show them any demonstrations on you like when I be picking you up?" Drew asked her playing while Karen playfully pinched him while rubbing it away. "No because every time you pick me up you start grabbin' on my booty." Karen said giggling a bit.

"You know you got a big thang thangin' on you I just gotta smack it when I see it in that condition." He said already having his hand underneath her ass. "Sometimes with the kids being here I miss just being able to bend you over where ever you standin' at just to smack it or when you walk back and I see it." Drew said knowing that sometimes he just wanna grab it and shake it. But all his kids be in the living room and so, he have to have his great strength from Jesus to refrain tilting his head downwards towards his wife and Karen arched her eyebrow. "It ain't my fault somebody wanted to have a whole football team." Karen said shaking her head at her husband. "You know I just love puttin' babies in you and you won't let me pull out no way." Drew reminded her. "Whateva, Drew just watch the kids for me like I said, have a daddy and kids day out." Karen suggested.

And Drew agreed kissing her on her forehead.

"Alright my sugarplum." He said as they went back to sleep.


So, this is the first chapter I hoped y'all enjoyed it.

Tell me what ya think? Thoughts or comments?

And yes, Karen and Drew did have another baby almost right after the twins. They'll be more on that and also, how they got their names as well.

The next chapter was suggested to me from the first story so, I'll be giving proper credit when that's posted!

Thanks for reading!

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