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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.

Notes: It had been 10 years since, Karen have officially not needed therapy as her mental health has gotten better over the last decade.

~Sidenote: Can we just take a minute to appreciate how GOOD'T Karen looks? Like come on y'all look at my baby. 😌♥️🔥💅🏾

Back at home in Detroit, Karen sat on the outside of her back porch in her yard underneath the (swing) enjoying the sunset as her husband came outside to see what his wife was doing. "You doing okay?" Drew asked her bringing her a glass of lemonade since it was hot out today after he made it earlier. Over the years, Drew had gotten good at cooking as the kids finally gave him some credit after learning how to cook better from his wife and his mother. Now living with them in the house was Faith, Ronnie, Vincent and Valentina, Kadence and Andrew since, Ki and J.Drew had now moved out the house after, Kierra had gotten married to a nice young man named, Jordan after breaking up with Walton seeing that they only went as far as being a couple in high school especially since he was going off to college and Ki was focusing more on her music career as a gospel artist following behind her mother's footsteps as Kierra became one of the best selling female gospel artists of all time of her generation being named the Beyoncé of gospel music as Karen was proud of all of her kids for following their dreams within the gospel world.

"Yeahhh I'm okay." Karen said as Drew sat next to his wife putting arms around her enjoying their view of their backyard as he now was holding her as they got relaxed with each other. "You'd know I never thought I'd make it this far to even be here today and this old." Karen said as Drew's hands were wrapped around her. "But I'm glad you did make it and you're not old especially not that body of yours." Drew said as he was still very much in love with his wife all those years ago. "Oooh stop it." She chuckled. "And you don't even look your age." Drew said praising his wife's beauty and thanking God for her.

"I'm glad we still have more of our babies to raise." Karen said as she thought about how her and Faith had come along way and now their mother and daughter relationship was stronger than ever and no one could break that apart. She loved being a mother and she was so incredibly proud of Faith as she was a blooming actress in the entertainment industry winning her first Oscar and Emmy within the same year with Karen and Drew being right in the audience when she had won both awards. So, when they announced, Faith's name as the winner of the Daytime Emmy award for the first youngest actress to ever win one everyone was in shock until, Karen jumped up hugging her daughter and giving her peppered kisses on the cheeks.

"That's my baby!" Karen yelled out as Faith went on stage to get her award and the same was done at the Oscars. While Ronnie became a well-known award winning psychologist after wondering how she could help more people like her mom. J.Drew became a grammy award winning gospel producer. While Vincent and Valentina, Kadence, and Andrew were still in school and were all among the artsy type kids and Karen could already see where Kadence was gonna be an actress like her older sister, Faith seeing that she always had the personality and wit for it.

Mama Sheard and Papa Sheard have since stopped baby sitting their bad ass grandkids that Karen and Drew have since, Karen could now take care of them without having any issues and the sisters were glad that Karen could drive now and had been driving every since she was cleared to do so, a little over 8 years ago. As Karen didn't have the impulsive need or urge to just drive off anywhere seeing that she knew how to control her disorder seeing that everything was going good in her life as she was so blessed to be living today.

And the sisters have become more understanding to Karen in the last few years and were actually there for her when she would have her moments but they remembered what they experienced with their mother. But even though, Karen was now healed it still was surprising to her that she came this far and sometimes she just couldn't believe it as it would touch her heart about how good God was to her throughout her life and how he has kept her and her family.

The End.


And that's the of the story we finally made it to the end...YAYYY!!!

What did y'all think of the Epilogue? I know it was short but mostly everything was covered.

If y'all would like to send in prompts y'all can for Karen and Drew y'all can send them to me in my inbox.

But if not for the meantime I'll be going back to working on my Benley stories and prompts that I have sittin' in my inbox until I can come up with another Karen and Drew story cause y'all be beatin' me to the story lines I be thinking about lol. It be so difficult coming up with a storyline and someone else already have the same exact idea and that's why I feel like a lot of us really do think alike lmaooo. 😭

So, it might just take me some time to come back. But when I got something I'll be sure to save it for Karen and Drew.

Thoughts or comments?

Thanks for reading until next time see y'all later!

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