The Painful Truth P2.

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.


Karen finally admits to her children why she's been gone during those seven years and what happened to her as a child.

~Sidenote: This is the outfit and look that Karen is wearing for today.

This is the 3rd turning point of the story the main one that needed to be said. So, with that being it's going to be a very emotional chapter for Karen and the sisters.

TW: Mentions of child abuse, sexual assault, rape, gun violence, suicide, and drugs.

When the rest of the family finally came into the room the kids sat on one side while the sisters sat on the other couch while, Drew sat next to his wife seeing that Faith had moved next to her siblings. Dr.Womack knew that as soon as that door open she was probably going to have to re-coach, Karen into staying calm and relaxed which she had no problem with doing because this needed to be done in order to save her family. Once everyone got settled into their seats, Dr.Womack re-introduced herself as she seen, Karen was starting to get sweaty on her forehead as she just placed a comforting and quick hand on her shoulder as Dr.Womack stood in the center of the room. "Hello, everyone!" Dr.Womack said as she clasped her hands together.

"Allow me to introduce myself my name is Dr.Womack as some of you may know." She said looking at her sisters, Drew, his and Karen's kids and Tamela Mann. "I am a psychiatric therapist who specializes in prevention, emotional, mental, and behavioral issues due to certain disorders." She said and the kids began to think that maybe their mom really did have a mental health issue as Karen was never that transparent about it with them. She would just tell them some things here and there to stop the questioning. "Now, before we go any further I would like to remind everyone that this is a safe place. A no judgement zone all of your emotions or whatever you're feeling can be brought here in a safe environment." She told. "I would like for us all to do meditation exercises before we go any further." Dr.Womack said as she led them.

"Now, do any of one you know why we're here today?" Dr.Womack asked with her usual introduction to get things started and no one wanted to answer. "It's okay anyone can answer." She said as she looked at the back of her and noticed that Karen wasn't trying to make eye contact with anyone as she tried to find a spot on the wall to look at and she quickly, snapped her fingers at Karen forcing her to pay attention and her kids caught on pursing their lips in shock that someone else could get their mom in check besides their grandma and sometimes their aunties. But when Karen turned around to face her she started mean-mugging her again.

But the kids saw how unphrased, Dr.Womack was by it and they just even more shocked than before as she continued talking tell them why they were here. "Now as some of you may already know I have been working with Karen for over a decade now on her mental, emotional, and behavioral issues. Some progress has been made but with progress sometimes comes downfall and that is what we're going to be talking about today." Dr.Womack said. "This session is unique from one the ones that I've had with Karen." She said not giving out too much information since confidentiality rules applied and her kids were here but it was unique because her family was here instead of it just being her by herself, or along with Drew and her sisters. "This session is what we therapist like to call, Family therapy to discuss what's been going on at hand." Dr.Womack told them.

"So, somewhere around the early 2000's when Karen was sort of a regular client of mine even though she was a new one in the 90's. But in the early 2000s we discovered that she was developing a disorder which can be very damaging to her mental, emotional, and behavioral health and in turn it can often times destroy families if they don't know what's going on with their loved ones." She told them. "We ran tests gave her medication to see what the problem was after running to the tests to find out that she has a disorder called, "Intermittent explosive disorder" otherwise known as IED which causes the person to black out during episodes of leading them to take everything grossly out of portion leading them to feel extreme guilt after the situation is said and over with which is usually brought on by childhood and or adulthood trauma." Dr.Womack told them and the kids just sat there quietly listening to her.

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