Back to the West

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.

Notes: The Sisters, Drew, and Snoop Dogg heads back to the West Coast to try to help, Karen find missing pieces of her life so, it can hopefully lead her to her long-lost daughter.

TimeJump: 4 years have past since the last chapter.

TW: Mentions of abuse and drugs

Throughout the last 4 years of trying to find, Veronica it had been rough for Karen. So, when it was rough on Karen it was rough on everyone especially, Faith who just longed to be with her mother. But she truly, did understand why her mother couldn't be around her or have her at the house. It was just going to be too much for them both especially when they kept hitting dead ends in trying to find her little sister. Auntie Jacky had been worried sick about Karen non-stop every since, Kierra frantically called her hollering over the phone "Mommy was shaking earlier and when she went to go check on her she was past out on the bathroom floor." She wanted to call the ambulance but if they had they would've called, Drew and Jacky made the decision to not have them take her. Because he was going to think it was another situation and Karen did not need to be put back in the psych ward when her daughter was there.

Jacky had rushed there to take her to the hospital with Kierra in the car and only the three of them knew what had happened. No, one told, Drew nor Dorinda, nor Twinkie anything. The only person outside of them who knew was Snoop Dogg and he asked, Kierra to describe everything that happened and he told them exactly what it was and the doctors just confirmed it. "As long as she's not around any triggers and the sisters continue to watch her when it comes to her medicine she should be okay. Hopefully." He told, Jacky after Ki handed the phone back to her. But he was worried because shortly they would be heading back to L.A. to look for Veronica their own selves and he didn't know how much returning to L.A. would affect, Karen. So, he was going to try to protect her at all costs even if that meant hurting her own feelings.

When they finally made it to L.A. after getting off the jet and putting their stuff in the hotel room. Snoop took them straight back to the neighborhood where, Tyrone used to live. But instead of parking in the front of the house he parked across the street behind the house right before you pulled up to the front so, no one would be able to see his car and who was in the car. They didn't need to see "Alice" after years of not being here. So, when Snoop got out the car, Karen was about to get out until he turned around and shut the car door with the windows somewhat wind down. "You gonna stay yo ass inside this damn car." Snoop Dogg yelled at her as she was trying to get out the car but he kept holding the car door and then finally locking it putting the child locks on seeing that she was in the backseat of the car and Jacky was upfront and Dorinda was yet again seated with her baby sister in the back seat of the car. "Why the fuck can't I go inside?" Karen yelled at him as she was pissed off at him.

"Because he might still be inside do you really wanna be shot at by accident or trapped in there again?" Snoop asked her and Karen folded her arms annoyed with him. "And I don't want you being triggered just by no fuckin' drugs either you only been clean for four years now since coming back home and I'd be damned if something fucks that up." Snoop hollered at her and Karen rolled her eyes. "That's the whole point of me coming here is to go inside are you dumb?!" Karen yelled at him and he brushed it off because she ain't scare him. "You stayin' yo ass in this car it's for your own good." Snoop yelled at her as she was steady arguing with him.

"Fine but if that Trick is in there I'm a jump her if she comes outside!" Karen yelled back at him and Snoop ignored her. "Crazy ass she needs to stay her ass in that car." Snoop said making sure she heard him as he tried to walk away but Karen was still arguing with him until, Jacky cut in. "KAREN, KAREN STOP YELLING AT THE MAN AND LET HIM GO!" Jacky yelled at her and Twinkie looked at her baby sister like she was a fool to even try to talk back to Jacky after that. "Listen to them, Karen." Twinkie said and Karen bit the inside of her jaw as she was getting madder.

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