Finding Myself

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.

Notes: Karen and Drew have a family meeting with the sisters to discuss important matters that may or may not involve them along with having Mama and Papa Sheard to mediate it.

TW: Mentions of suicide, self-harm, cussing and stress.

It was that very next day when Karen and Drew had called the sisters over for a family meeting while they were at Drew's parents house. They needed to just rip the band-aid off now and get this conversation over with as soon as possible rather than later. Karen nervously sat down on Mama Sheard's couch as she fidgeted with her hands, Drew saw this and gently held them. Karen had been nervous around her sisters many times before but this one seemed to be the worst since it was almost as if she was pulling away from their sisterhood that they were trying to rebuild. But it wasn't that it was just that she needed time to herself to figure everything out in peace and not have people who's supposed to care about her be all up in her face telling her what she should or shouldn't do when it wasn't best for her. She wasn't a little girl anymore. She knew what she needed and wanted and it was space from her judgmental sisters. Of course they meant well but at times, but Dorinda and Jacky just took it too far and Twinkie always had to be the one to stop them.

So, here Karen was again sitting at her mother-in-laws house who was thankfully like a second mother to her too see things through. She had been there when her own mother couldn't be there, protected her when her mother couldn't protect her and nurtured her back to health when she needed it. Mama Sheard was the only person outside the family that knew what had been going on between her father and her father's friend, Mr.Thomas even before, Mattie told her. The only reason why she knew was because of the fact that the girls had to once stay the night over at there house because Elbert was drunk out of his mind and Mattie was more scared for Karen that night than anything else.

So, she brought them over while Mama Sheard let them stay the night and while she was getting ready for bed she just had a little conversation with Karen telling her that "If anyone ever hurt you or touch you here or here" she said with her hands pointing to her own private parts "to just let me know okay because they're not supposed to do that." She said and for a minute, Karen stared at her as if she wanted to tell her something as she was listening just waiting for her to say it but she never did as she nervously scratched her head. "Okay" was the word that came out of Karen's mouth as if nothing ever happened. But Mama Sheard knew which was why she was protective over her every since then and did everything she could for her and Mattie when she could.

Mama Sheard's house felt like home to her a safe place she could go too. So, Karen was her baby but the Sheard's and the Clark's were brought up as friends and Mama Sheard always wanted a little girl so, Karen was her honorary daughter from the start and with that being said her sisters didn't even know half of what happened to her which was why, Karen would mostly stay over at Mama Sheard's house to try too reduce the damage that her father was causing her along with his friend. So, here they were now at her house years later to try too reduce the damage that might happened between her and her sisters.

Of course, it was nothing malicious or anything like that but her sisters always tended to think the worst when it was never that when it came to Karen wanting to talk too them. Hell for the most part they didn't even know all of that happened to her until her therapy sessions because Karen was afraid to tell them because of their reactions. And she hated it when, Dorinda let the cat out the bag when she told them that Mr.Thomas used to touch her and be handsy with her.

Yes, she thanked, God for Dorinda for being there for her. But she didn't have to tell them like that and let alone at church where she was provoking her. She wasn't even ready to let them know yet which was why she kept it a secret for so long and Dorinda just ruined it for her. She felt like she wanted to burst out in tears when, Dorinda yelled it out but instead her disorder got to her first as she tried to control after hearing her sister's yell at her to stop which was the only reason why she wasn't to deep into having an episode yet but when she kept going on and on about it she just snapped. Karen knew she was never ready for any of this to come out but she was rushed and she felt like it wasn't fair to her. She never had any say or no control over what happened to her for the most part and for that she was upset about it and those were just a few of the reasons why she felt weak at times.

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