Lost then found P2

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters

Notes: A continuation from last night into a new day.

The sisters are getting closer to finding their niece, Veronica.

TW: It's gets a little dirty at the end. I'm just throwin' in some hints. It's not exactly smut but ya'll know. 🥴🌚

It was now morning and Dorinda had been the first one to wake up as she looked over her baby sister. She went to the linen closest to grab the extra toothbrush and toothpaste going to get ready for today. She remembered that from last night she stayed over to help watch over, Karen while Mama Sheard watched over the babies. Dorinda knew that by doing that therapy session that it was going to be too much for Karen to handle and she was finally treading lightly not wanting to provoke or upset her. She understood now that it wasn't just walking on Eggshells or the fact that Karen was overly sensitive as she thought about it at first but Karen really could not control her own self after all the trauma that she has experienced.

Now that she knew that she didn't even want to leave her sister alone to even step foot downstairs until, Karen woke up. Because what if she woke up and decided today was going to be the day that she would successfully leave this earth after what she just experienced? Dorinda wasn't having it. So, she wasn't moving until her sister moved and she wasn't eating until her sister ate and Karen could get mad all she wanted to but she wasn't about to fall for that. Dorinda knew that she had her own family to care for at home but Greg knew what to do. He didn't need help with the kids and if anything Karen was her kids favorite auntie so, if something were to happen to Karen and they found out about it later on it would've been on her because they're supposed to be best friends. So, she was gonna be damned if she let anything happen to her baby sister now.

It was 1:00pm when, Karen finally woke up and she noticed that she had bags underneath her eyes from crying all night. She remembered that she even cried herself asleep. "Oh Gawd." Karen whispered wiping the crust away from her eyes seeing what time it was as she didn't really want to get up. "You feelin' okay?" Dorinda asked coming from out of Karen's closest as she had on her comfortable clothes after she had left some of her stuff here from a while ago. And all, Karen just did was roll her eyes at the situation that was at hand putting her hand over her face. "I feel like shit." Karen mumbled. "You wanna go get ready for today?" Dorinda asked her. And Karen groaned. "I'm a just stay in bed." Karen whined getting back underneath her covers still feeling tired from last night.

"But sis you gotta eat." Dorinda said. "I can starve myself." Karen said laying back down in her bed throwing the covers on top of her. "Well then, fine I'm not eatin' either." Dorinda said getting right back in the bed with her. And Karen got up from underneath the covers looking at her sister. "GIRLLLL gooo." Karen whined. "Just go eat and leave me up here." Karen complained not wantin nobody around. She didn't even know if she wanted, Drew to even be here. "Nope, I'm not leaving your side." Dorinda said. "I'm finee." Karen said. "Karen you're not fine." Dorinda bluntly told her coming straight out with it. "Now, do you want to talk about it or not?" Dorinda asked her and Karen wasn't sure. And Dorinda continued to talk "because the way I see it you have two options one you can go eat and you don't have to talk about it but if you don't eat you have too." Dorinda told her.

And Karen started crying again getting out from underneath the covers and went into her bathroom with Dorinda following behind her worried about her baby sister. Once, Karen finally got done Dorinda was the first one out the room as she waited for Karen to make her way out. She wasn't about to rush downstairs knowing that Karen would sometimes shut the door right behind them after leaving so, she stuck her body in the door way watching her sister come out so, she wouldn't pull any tricks and Karen rolled her eyes and sucked her teeth. "You can roll your eyes and suck yo teeth all you want too." Dorinda said closing Karen's room door. "Go on." Doe told her pointing towards downstairs seeing that Karen wasn't moving any further towards the steps waiting until, Dorinda moved. "You really not slick, Karen." Dorinda told her baby sister and Karen rolled her eyes again putting her hands on the rail as she slowly walked down the steps.

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