Talk it out

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.

Notes: Drew and Karen talks about how her therapy session went.

"Baby." Drew said as he went upstairs in their room after her sisters left to find, Karen getting ready for bed. "Are you alright?" He asked her in a soft voice and she just turned to quickly look at him before heading into the bathroom. "Now, Babe." Drew said going after his wife. "Drew, I'm not in the mood and I don't wanna talk about it." Karen said as she held the towel up tightly to her body as if she didn't want him to see her and Drew noticed the change in her body language. "Kareee, what's wrong?" Drew asked lifting up her chin as she really felt down about what she remembered while she was under hypnosis. "Did it not go well today?" He asked concerned for his wife's well-being and Karen just silently, sucked her teeth. "I really don't wanna talk about it right now." Karen said as she couldn't help but to think how at this grown age of hers she still couldn't protect herself. It was making her feel like she was that same 10 year old little girl again backed into a corner and she despised that feeling.

Drew noticed that she was going through it again as he came up behind her softly hugging her by the waist and even though, Karen tried to fight the affection that her husband was giving her at this time she couldn't help it as she leaned her head back on her husband's chest looking into their bathroom mirror that was re-modeled when she had her mental breakdown. "I'm not gonna press you about it for now." Drew started to say as he was holding his wife even closer to him. "But I do want you to remember that we never harbor any feelings in this house." Drew said as started to kiss her on her cheek. "And remember you're strong and beautiful." He said as he pecked her on her cheek again letting her go take her shower knowing that she didn't want him in the bathroom. And he hated it whenever, Karen got to the point when she wouldn't let him see her body knowing that, Drew be loving the hell out of her body.

While inside the shower as Karen was trying to wash she started scrubbing harder trying to wash away all the dirtiness, guilt, and shame from what she remembered and the memories from her childhood that still sat with her. But no matter how hard she tried she still felt dirty causing her to sniffle and weep in the shower making her fall on her knees but not to the point where it was loud enough to hear as she had an emotional breakdown in the shower. It was a little after 30 minutes and Drew would've thought by now that Karen would've been done in the shower worried about his wife knowing she was not feeling too hot about her what happened during her therapy session he went to go check on her.

And when he went to go check on her he found her sitting in the shower with the water still running on her grabbing a towel as it now ran cold turning it off and wrapping her in the warm towel carrying her out of the bathroom. When he got his wife out of the bathroom and carried her into there bedroom sitting her on their bed he noticed that she probably had some type of breakdown in the shower considering how he found her. So, he pulled her into a hug provided every type of comfort that he knew how letting her cry it out whatever it was that was eating her up. "It's gonna be okay." Drew started to say as he finished praying and doing everything that a Godly man knew how to do wiping his wife's tears away especially when she had looked up at him for a quick second he caught how much pain his wife was in just from looking in her eyes.

Once she was finished crying her eyes out for as much as she needed to she looked around for her night clothes but Drew had already pulled them out before he had went into the bathroom to check on his wife. Karen turned around and saw her light blue night gown and underwear weakly grabbing it from off the bed struggling and shaking as she tried to put it on until, Drew put it on for her with ease. Karen knew that Drew was only trying to help but she felt too embarrassed at this point to even think about how much her husband would always be there for her as she climbed her way into bed going to bed without a goodnight and usually, she was only like that the first time the attacked happened as she had started to pull away from her husband not letting him touch her when depression first developed hitting her hard.

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