To Be Caught...

349 13 56

Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.


Karen and Drew starts to open up the Bible Study session at their house again after doing away with it when Karen was gone. but then she sees why he stopped having it at their home.

It was a Wednesday, night and Bible study was resuming sometimes the Bishop would have Bible Study at their home or in the church. The last time he had Bible Study in his church was when, Karen had left and so, the board decided that since, Karen was back home full-time now that the leaders needed to get too know all their members outside of church in a more initiate setting. It was 6:30pm when all the sisters had made their way over to Karen's house for the first Session of Bible study at the Bishop's and First Lady's home which it had been a long time.

Coming in they helped her to get everything set up even though she was almost done. "Mom. Do we have to stay at Bible Study?" Faith asked as she came downstairs hugging her auntie Jacky as she would sometimes still be staying with her. But since the last episode that Karen had before their Family Therapy their relationship as mother and daughter had gotten a whole lot better and Karen was more attentive to her. But now, she was especially more overprotective of her considering the fact that some of the church members still spoke negatively about her and she would always put them in their place if she was around to hear it.

"No, baby you don't have to stay." Karen said in her raspy voice as she gently lifted up, Faith's chin giving her a kiss on the cheek causing her to smile as Ronnie was there as well. If anything the older siblings were going to be staying in their rooms while the younger ones would obviously be downstairs with their parents but mostly staying close by to their mother seeing as they liked helping her or just wanted to be by her especially, Kadence who liked to be held non-stop even though she was old enough to walk at 4 years old, Karen still spoiled her shamelessly.

By the time it was 7:30pm, people were arriving and one of the firsts people to get their was Ms.Reese who made her way to the front door while, Karen was in the living room finishing off the last touches of making her house look neater than what it already was. "Hello, Ms.Reese." Karen said as she greeted her and she gave Karen the fakest hug greeting her back. "Hi First Lady. What a lovely home you have?" She had looking around and only to find that Vincent and Valentina had emerged from out of the living room to where they were playing to see who it was as well. "Awee look at the twins they're so adorable they get cuter and cuter every time I see them." Ms.Reese cooed as she went to go pinch, Vincent on his cheeks but he moved away from her hiding behind his mom's leg and so, when she turned to Valentina she made a stink face pushing her hand away from her. And Karen, subtly cleared her throat for the woman to stop trying get in her kids good graces. "They're shy." Karen said as she gave her a soft smile even though that was a lie it was just that none of her kids liked her. "Ohh, I understand." She said laughing away.

But right before, Karen could greet her, Kadence came from the playpin looking for her older siblings to play with but then seeing that her mother was at the door and forgetting all about them.

"Mommy." Kadence said in her baby voice wanting to be picked up as she lifted her hands towards her mama forgetting why she came over there in the first place and Karen did as such kissing her baby. "Awee Kadence is just too cute." She cooed and Kadence just turned her head the other way as her mother was holding her and Karen just smiled and shrugged. "I'll show you to the table." Karen said as she directed her to where her sisters were sitting while the twins followed, Karen and Kadence. A few minutes later, Vincent and Valentina was at the table seeing that they were gonna stay right beside their mama as Karen went to go let more of the church members.

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