The Work

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.

Notes: This is the first week where Karen going to a rehabilitation center comes to an end as she sees how her first sessions of her occupational therapy went. This also touches on the first day when Karen went to the rehabilitation center.

It was now a week later when Karen had started her occupational therapy. So, far the first thing they did was massage her arms just to help with the blood flow. Then, they would go onto hand exercises as the instructors would curl her fingers for her after showing her on their own hand just so, she could get a better visualization of how it's supposed to be done. Even though she couldn't feel anything on her own the first step was trying to get her hands used to the memory of it working on her muscle memory and motor skills were their main focus just so, her first goal could be able to grab things again not even picking them up fully but just grabbing which was a challenge for her. It was like her brain could no longer connect to the rest of her body to send it signals on what to do and she really missed it.

The first day (mini flashback):

When she first had came into the center she was a little more reserved than when she had to go to intensive therapy because not to many people were around. But when she pulled up with her husband and her sister, Jacky people started to notice them even though they were somewhat in disguise. But while they were out in the parking lot people did double takes and a few would have shocked looks on their faces after seeing who they thought was the legendary gospel singer, Karen Clark-Sheard in a wheelchair. They had heard about the shooting but what the news didn't mention was if she was shot or not so, the public had no idea on whether or not if Karen herself was physically affected from the shooting and she had wanted to keep it that way. Hell, it was kept that way until she started going to occupational therapy.

So, when she got in people became even more concerned when others were just being plain ole' nosy especially when Karen asked Jacky to take her shades off for her in order to see better within the facility. Then, when she did that almost everyone in the center let out either a low or quiet gasp. Even some of the employees were shocked to see her in the flesh because they knew they were supposed to be getting a Karen Clark-Sheard they just didn't think it was gonna be thee Karen Clark-Sheard. So, it was sumthin' going in on the first day and Karen hoped that word wouldn't get out to quick because then that would be bad. Because that's how rumors started and she had-had enough rumors for the month both before and after the shooting. She was tired of it.

Because people really didn't know how to mind their own business when it came to serious issues like that. Which made her think about the people at church when even more women had threw themselves at Drew when he would go to church sometimes alone or sometime with one or two sisters and his father would be with him. It was maddening. But while she was being checked in she started thinking again on if she should go back to church. She thought to herself if she did show up to church in her wheel chair she supposed that no rumors would've been made about her whereabouts or if she had died from the shooting like it was one rumor going around in Detroit seeing that she was never in church anymore and her sisters were always gone as well.

But the only reason why her sisters were gone most of the time was because of the fact that they would be at her house helping her with her and the kids. People had no idea what they were talking about because the family wasn't the one to air their business out into the streets like other people would. But as per usual, Drew would ignore those women knowing that he would never step out on Karen.

Hell, he wouldn't step out on Karen even when she had handwritten out permission for him to do so, after she left. So, what made these women think that Drew was going to cheat on his wife when she had been gone for over 7 years on top of giving him permission to go find him another woman? It was madness. Drew wasn't leaving Karen even if his life depended on it. Which sometimes it did because of the people who Karen had to deal with in the past as it was currently, affecting her future. But none of what happened or is happening would scare him away from his wife whom he loved dearly.

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