To Bare witness P1.

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.

Notes: As the custody battle draws near the family begins to pick people to bare their character witness as Faith's livelihood lays in the courts hands.

Sidenote: So, y'all voted on individual chapters or making it one brawl and the majority was the brawl. But since the chapter came out to be long I decided to split them up. So, it wouldn't be that long.

"Why do I need a character witness for my own daughter?" Karen rhetorically asked knowing that she probably didn't have anybody in her corner to be her witness that was outside of Drew's family. Drew would do it but they didn't want to go through the process of making it a messy court session so, he opted out and she agreed not wanting anymore drama. Karen put her hand over her temple as she tried not to cry about the situation because she was sooo tired of crying over it as this court case was stressing her out. Because the only people she had that would vouch for her and that she could trust was "Donald Lawrence, Vickie Winans, and their cousin J.Moss, seeing that Kierra was over at her auntie house just to spend time with her cousins but before it was time to go they wanted to talk to her about something.

"Testify against your mama." Doe asked just coming straight out with it as they had called her over to her house with Jacky being over there and Ki looked at her aunties as if they were crazy seeing that Twinkie decided not to come too this shit show.

"She's not a bad person." Ki said shaking her head in disbelief at her aunties.
"She's just has a hard time." Ki said as she was now more understanding of her mother's condition and had to learn how to give her mother some space and time after coming back home. "But you don't remember all those fights y'all had in the beginning?" Dorinda asked her. "Staying at my house for almost a whole darn month because you two were to afraid too go near her?" Dorinda asked her making her doubt her and her mother-daughter relationship and Ki bit her lip remembering. "Yeahh but that wasn't her." Ki said defending her mama. "And not only that but that would mess up my relationship with her tho." Kierra said with wide eyes.

"What's wrong with y'all?? Tryin to get me killed." Ki rhetorically asked her. "Ki if your mother loved you like she said she did then she wouldn't get mad about you testifying against her after all a mother's love is supposed to be unconditional." Dorinda said trying to manipulate her own niece into testifying against her mother and Kierra just looked at them like they were outta your mind. "No cause I don't wanna have to go up against my mama knowing she fights and where I'm supposed to go if I testify against her not saying that I would which I wouldn't but no." Ki said looking at her aunties like they were crazy.

"You can always stay with us." Dorinda and Jacky said and Jacky nodded her head. "Pack a bag or two the night before the court date." Dorinda told her "And you can just stay at my house I don't care." Dorinda said shrugging her shoulders and Kierra couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Nahh I can't do that to my mama." Kierra said after she heard how her mother was struggling to breathe throughout the night after heart attack. So, not only did her sisters excluding Twinkie gave her a heart attack after that came home with somewhat permanent high blood pressure and breathing problems all because her sisters weren't being understanding.

If they had stopped all this mess and dropped the court case, Karen wouldn't have so many new health issues arise but no they were so, hell bent on caring for "Faith" that they forgot about how Karen would feel. "I'm NOT doin' that!" Kierra said raising her voice a little at her aunties.

"Girl you betta watch yourself." Her aunt Jacky told her. "NO!" Ki hollered at them like she lost her mind. "Because y'all are the ones that ALMOST KILLED MY MAMA BY WHAT Y'ALL DID!" Kierra said yelling at them out of hurt because Ki love her mama. "AND NOW MY MAMA CAN'T BREATHE RIGHT BECAUSE OF Y'ALL!" Ki hollered while she was crying after hearing how badly her mother now has to struggle with breathing due to respiratory distress. "Ki what is you yelling forrr?!" Angel said coming out of her room seeing what was all this about. "BECAUSE Y'ALL MAMA ALMOST KILLED MY MAMA!" She said not meaning to holler at her cousin but she couldn't help it.

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