The 3rd Month

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.

Notes: As Karen's time of having to go too occupational and physical therapy comes to a close, Karen looks back on what a journey it's been as the occupational therapists decides her new schedule routine since there has been a lot of improvement.

Sidenote: I know these chapters on Karen's occupational and physical therapy was short but I didn't want to spend too much time on it and I also, didn't want to brush completely over it. If anybody was wondering about her during these sessions. But I think y'all got a good enough glimpse of how Karen was during this time because this will probably be referenced in the later chapters. But let's get back to the story. ♥️

When, Karen had her last couple of weeks at her occupational and physical therapy sessions she was able to jog on the tread mill. But only at a slow pace while taking small breaks in between the 30 minute tests to see how far her body could go. Now, she could balance on her own but only for a short period of time before she lost balance. So, for safety reasons they still wanted her to use either a cane or a walker of her choice for the time being until she was fully recovered since her upper body strength still wasn't there all the way. Which meant that she still had to be extremely careful with how she walked. Throughout the whole entire time it was a slow and grueling process and if she was being honest with herself it was quite painful as well.

And when she did start doing small steps in her physical therapy sessions with learning how to walk she had light pain shooting throughout her body and that was because she wasn't walking in the last 3 months due to her being completely paralyzed. But nonetheless she was glad because this was the type of progress she had wanted to see since the beginning. But the only time she would walk would be in her occupational and physical therapy sessions so, they could keep her safe. Which meant her family had no idea that she was even taking these small steps.

Though she was slowly walking in her sessions she walked while using both rails for the mini exercise to see if her body could bare it. She did fine with the rails. But when walking with the physical therapists it slowed her down seeing that she needed the upper body support. Which meant that she was going to need to use the walker instead of the cane. It was as if she was taking baby steps all over again with a lot more wobbling trying to not fall. While she was walking she kept thinking to herself how painful it was to walk again. She was in such misery being paralyzed that she didn't know that walking again was gonna hurt this bad. Thus, this made her think back to how she first did drugs vs. when Snoop had gotten her clean and that was brutal.

So, getting back to where she was in both places was no easy ride as some people would like to think especially if they were outside of the family. They just didn't know the pain she endured even while doing the simple task of walking only an inch from her last spot. "I need a break." Karen said as she sounded very winded from doing that short walk on the rails. So, they stopped for a moment letting her recharge. "How long is it going to be painful?" Karen asked her as she moved a strand of hair out of her way. "Well until you're fully recovered which could be in about a couple of weeks." Her OT told her and Karen just nodded her head and then, her mind drifted off to her husband who she missed making love to almost every other day. He hadn't been inside her for 4 months now and when she was starting to get her feelings back in her lower body it was worse than before when she had her procedure and they couldn't do it for a month. She needed him badly. But she did her best to keep from crying about it in her occupational therapy session. This time around she just cried about not making love to her husband when she alone.

So, the burning question was on her mind was "When could she participate in sexual activities again with her husband?" Because if she waited any longer she was about to be in desperate need of him and she wasn't sure if she could let Drew continue to take charge when she was feeling this way. Of course she had calmed down since she had those sex therapy lessons with Dr.Womack but this was torture to her and she knew, Drew probably felt the same way about it. She couldn't help but to think that she was gonna fuck her husband silly as a thank you gift for being there for her. She didn't know when she was gonna do it since she had all those kids in the house but she knew it was gonna happen either with them in there or not and she wasn't about to hold back either.

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