In Time

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.


Karen starts her journey on self-discovery and healing without any interference as she's carrying a new life inside of her.

TW: Mentions of suicide and self-harm prevention.

It's been about 6 months since, Karen had last talked to her sisters and needless to say things were awkward around them whenever they had to go in for a church meeting but this time they didn't bicker or cause a scene which Karen didn't need since she was diagnosed with Pre-eclampsia since her blood pressure had been high in the past and while she was pregnant but not due to the stress of finding out who she is now but because she was now older and carrying another baby which was risky for her. So, when that was said, Drew just went on ahead and got a vasectomy done after him and Karen talked about it agreeing that they had more than enough kids. Now, when Karen revealed to her kids that she pregnant all of her kids were happy but Kadence did catch an attitude problem realizing that she wasn't going to be the baby anymore and her baby privileges were being revoked as she let a longgg dramatic sigh while Karen asked her sweetly, what was wrong and then she told her that "she'll always be her baby."

So, after that was done with, Karen had therapy sessions to try to get herself to be more stable while working with her disorder. And it arose while, Dr.Womack did exercises with her in the midst of it since on some days she would still be upset and frustrated with what her sisters did. But she never got to upset too the point where she would need to go too the psych ward because she was pregnant and she didn't need that. So, not only was Karen working on her mental health of being sexually assaulted but now she also had to work through her feelings of her sisters betraying her because that's what it felt like at this point and she couldn't sugar coat it anymore. "And what do you feel now?" Dr.Womack asked Karen after they did the exercise and Karen's eyes were watery. "Pain." Karen said as she tried not to wheeze after she had huffed.

"What type of pain?" Dr.Womack asked her writing it down. "Chest pain like a tightness that never goes away." Karen told her. "And how often do you feel that pain?" She asked her as Karen sniffled. "I don't know. It's to many too count." Karen said. "Just give me an estimated number." Dr.Womack gently said and Karen thought about it and Karen sighed.

"Like maybe 8 times a day." She said. "And were you feeling that many before you were pregnant?" Dr.Womack asked. "Yeah." Karen lightly said nodding her head as she wiped a fallen tear from her eye. "And were you feeling this before your heart attack?" Dr.Womack questioned her and Karen nodded her head saying "yes" again wiping more tears from her eyes as they came down. And then, Karen realized how stressed out she actually was from just saying it out loud because inside she knew she couldn't handle anymore betrayal but she didn't know just how much she was done with everything until now. "I'm so tired of everything." Karen cried as she took the tissue in her hand drying her tears. "So, what happened when you told your sisters?" Dr.Womack said knowing that something had to have happened between them.

And Karen just sighed again. "Well they didn't like it especially, Dorinda." Karen said. "They almost didn't agree to letting me have my space." Karen told her. "And how did that make you feel?" Dr.Womack asked her and Karen just bit her lip. "Like it was one-sided." Karen said. "Because of what they did to you when they stopped talking?" Dr.Womack asked her knowing about that from Karen herself and Karen just nodded her head yes. "A double-standard." Dr.Womack added on. "It can be quite stressful when the stakes are higher." She told her. "And how did you feel when they almost didn't agree to this arrangement?" Dr.Womack asked. "I-Well, I thought I was gonna take myself out right then and there." Karen said shrugging her shoulders.

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