Marital Counseling P2

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.

~Also when it comes to the medical session of this chapter I know a few things not all things and also, I still had to do research to make sure I was on the right track. So, if y'all have any questions about anything just remember I had to use Google but I used ".org" health websites just to make sure I was right on some of this stuff my own self.


Karen and Drew go to her OBGYN appointment to see if anything needed to be checked on while having the talk and going back to their next appointment together with Dr.Womack.

TW: Mentions of sexual assault, bruising, vaginal tears.

When they finally met with the doctor they performed the examination as Karen sat on the table in standard position as she used the instruments and camera to examine her. Karen squeezed, Drew's hand every time it was uncomfortable as the doctor zoomed in on the bruised parts of her cervix. "Hmm." She said in a concerned voice as her eyes widened. "And you've said you've had back pain for how long?" She asked, Karen. "Since...98" Karen said, "And...You've given birth recently or?" She asked making sure. "Um 5 years ago I gave birth to twins and then right after 9 months later to a baby girl." Karen said and the doctor just nodded her head. "I seen in your files that you were checked for STI's since you have been sexually assaulted before in the past." She said, "Have you ever gotten checked for vaginal tears?" She asked as she was about to do further examination and going into different parts of her cervix. "Yeah they checked" Karen said and the doctor noted that making sure to re-check her files after she was done examining her and 20 minutes later the examination was complete.

"Okay. So, after doing the examination you do have an inflamed cervix which it is very sensitive to the touch down there and I do see old bruising which is quite unusual." She said. "And you do have tears so with that being said I will be setting up an appointment so, you can get stitches." And Karen just pursed her lips nodding her head okay. "Because looking back at your files you should've had them back in 95" and in 98 to help with the healing." She said shortening up the explanation as she had looked at the later date which was when, Karen was able to get away from Tyrone and get herself checked out again although it wasn't a full examination.

"But we're just gonna take extra per-cautions for you since we don't want to add anymore pressure on your cervix or vagina and to prevent more bruising. "It's amazing that you even were able to give birth." The doctor said and Karen scrunched up her face. "What do you mean?" Karen asked her. "Ehh well it means that you've had a pelvic inflammatory disease which is why some of the scarring is still there and that could cause major problems with infertility." She told them.

"And problems during childbirth." She said. "Now were there any complications during your childbirth?" The doctor asked and Karen went onto tell her about her child birth history and the most current one. "But the two before that there was and what not." As Karen finished telling her and the doctor just nodded her head as they finished up the appointment the doctor emailed the report and sent the files over to Dr.Womack.

Once they got home, Drew knew that Karen was pissed.

"Karen." Drew said as he watched his wife make her way into their house as she angrily went upstairs ignoring his calls and Mama Sheard came out. "What's going on with her?" She asked as she came out of the living room. "Not so good news." Drew said as him and his mom went to go sit at the island and Drew started to tell her. "Poor thing. But you didn't notice that something was wrong down there as much as y'all be going at it?" Mama Sheard bluntly said and Drew nearly, choked. "Mom, please." He said trying to stop her from going any further. "I'm just saying sometimes men just know when something isn't right before their wife." She said. "I mean I did know. I did think that something was wrong when we would procreateee." Drew said as it was still too much to say in front of his mom about his sex life. "And you didn't ask her about it?" She scolded her son. "Ma, I tried but you know how she is when she don't wanna talk about something she don't wanna be messed with like now but we're gonna have to talk about it anyways." Drew said.

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