Dr.Womack Prep

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.


Dr.Womack comes up with a treatment plan for Karen as she discusses with another Doctor who worked with Karen while Karen was in the hospital.

TW: Mentions of sexual assault and trauma.

Upon receiving the emergency appointment from Karen's family, Dr.Womack pulled Karen's files from both the hospital and the clinic going back over her tests and most definitely her brain activity tests from the last time analyzing them from beginning to the end. She also, looked at all of her CT and MRI tests to check to see if she's had any signs of a recent concussion shown in the tests. She did of course see her first files from when she had a concussion from when she was a teenager after hearing about the story and put the old charts and studies together with the new ones side-by-side and sure enuff it showed another concussion that had been forming. But it seems like she had what was called, post-concussion syndrome after seeing that she had delayed concussion symptoms realizing that she probably didn't get the proper medical attention that she needed. Even if she did it could still happen. But it would've at least been a little bit better than it is now if they had caught it earlier on.

Moving on from her tests she looked back through the medication that she had prescribed to Karen and it still seemed to match with the antidepressants so, no changes needed to be changed there to control her IED. Now, they were solidly focusing on her memory since more problems were arising and from what her family told her, Karen couldn't seem to remember years worth of memories. She could remember bits and pieces from the 7 years but that was it and nothing more which seemed to be backwards because usually, a patient could remember years worth but only lose a little piece of their memory. But with Karen that was different and she was genuinely, worried about her.

So, in finding out this new information of what she could without having Karen there she called the doctor in for a meeting.

"Okay so, we have a special case on our hands." Dr.Womack said as she spoke to the doctor in front of her as he looked down at the files that were spread out on the table. "And you say that the family has mentioned that at times she can't remember her name?" Dr.Brown asked her. "Yes. But it doesn't last for a long period of time unless it happened before we caught it." She told him as she was passing more of her notes over to him and he looked through it. "What were some of her traumas?" Dr.Brown asked her needing to know if any other medical attention were provided to her during that time. "Well we went over that she was a childhood molestation as a child from one of her father's friends of course no treatment was done for her then which was how, IED probably developed since it comes from childhood traumas." She said.

"Then again in her adult years when she was in her 30's by a Deacon which completely, formed IED suffering from severe depression and multiple suicide attempts." She told him, "But when she was pregnant from the attack her body went through stress and it's own trauma with her having a pre-term labor." She mentioned.

"Was she ever on any medication then?" He asked going delightedly through her medical history. "No, she discharged herself then before the hospital could even do anything which by the way she did sue them for an illegal and unprofessional adoption of her child that was conceived from the attack. After the attack she just wasn't thinking properly." She added on being nicer about it than most people would've said it.

"For that we just did regular therapeutic talk-through for her treatment. Since she was already on antidepressants to try to keep her depression at bay when everything was going on." Dr.Womack explained to him as he took down his own notes. "But a few months after the attack she did run before we could even go deeper into the treatment and so, I looked at her files to see if something told me if she could've had other traumas and it seems that she had another concussion." She told him. "Because from her teenage years she did had one that was thankfully, documented." She said showing him the studies of Karen's brain from the 70's to now.

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