Honesty Is the best Policy P1.

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.


Karen tells her sisters about Freaknik and things get a little out of hand.

TW: Fighting. Cussing. Violence.

It was a few days later when Karen finally decided to tell her sisters about Freaknik. But she knew she needed to do it when her kids wasn't at the house because she didn't know how they would take the news. She wanted to not tell them but she knew it was best if she would just nip it in butt now and rip the band-aid off no matter how much it would hurt because keeping it in longer would cause them to have more problems within their relationship and their relationship was getting better since the time that she had been back home and she didn't want anything messing that up.

But when J.Drew came back home from his weekend trip to L.A. with Snoop Dogg he hugged his mom giving her a kiss on the cheek wanting to stay home to spend more time with her and wanting to ask her something about her time away. But he said nothing more about what he saw from that experience since he didn't know how to ask her just yet. He had been meaning t o talk to her but every time he tried to she was busy with either his siblings or her sisters. And he noticed that she would always try to bribe them to leave the house with their dad's black card instead of hers or asking Mama Sheard to take them for the day. But she said quote on quote, "I'm not takin' those bay bay kids except for Faith and my younger grandbabies." Mama Sheard said to Karen over the phone.

When tomorrow came, Karen was nervous as all out doors as she called her sisters over her house. Once the sisters was over, Karen led them up to her and Drew's room instead of sitting in their usual place which was the couch and she locked the doors turning their heads kind of shocked they wondered what Karen had to tell them.

"So...I have to tell y'all something." Karen started to say as she nervously clasped her hands together in front of her sisters who were standing in a half shaped circle. "What is it?" Dorinda asked her arching an eyebrow and Twinkie already didn't like this as she just moved out the way. And when, Dorinda asked that question, Karen went to her closet pulling out the disc. "So....As y'all may know Mama didn't allow us to do anything that was unGodly." Karen continued on. "But in my defense" She said, "I had no idea what I was doing until watching this tape." Karen said showing it to them as she held it up. "Well, what is it?" Doe asked again and Jacky agreeing with her sister wanting to know but also feeling tensed. "Um...Well you know that un-Godly event as Mama always called it that took place in the 90's but ended in 1999?" Karen asked them and they had to think about it for a little bit. "Freaknik?" Dorinda asked her.

"Yeahhh." Karen said nervously shrugging her shoulders. "KAREN VALENCIA CLARK SHEARD YOU WENT TO FREAKNIK?!" Dorinda yelled at her already knowing what was up and Karen had to take a breath gasping to calm down. "Dorinda don't." Jacky said as she was trying to stay calm although she was just as shocked too. "Didn't y'all just hear when I said I didn't remember until this tape came?" Karen theoretically asked them. " And don't be so loud my kids don't need to hear y'all that's why we're in here instead of downstairs." Karen said. "Yeah we heard." Dorinda said folding her arms. "So, did you see what was on the tape already?" Dorinda asked her and Karen just shook her head yes. "Drew saw it too before y'all even ask me." Karen told them as she went ahead and popped it into her DVD player and it started. While they watched the beginning of the tape they gasped at their baby sister in shock not believing what she was doing, how she was dancing, and what she was wearing.

"KARENN!" Dorinda gasped. "What the hell?" Dorinda asked in complete shock and Jacky couldn't even say anything and Twinkie had her eyes covered mid-way through already seeing enough of the tape. Once the tape ended they didn't know what to say. "Mama would be rollin' over in her grave right now." Jacky said with her fingers on her temple as Karen looked at their oldest sister. "Soo?" Karen asked them not knowing where else to lead this conversation. "Karen why would you even take the blunt and alcohol mixed together?" Jacky asked her not understanding even though she kinda did. It was just a lot to comprehend. "Because that's how everyone was doing it." Karen said having her hand out as if she didn't care because she really didn't know how else to explain it.

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