Angels P1.

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.


Karen resumes her therapy session as she undergoes hypnotherapy remembering the time that she snuck out of Snoop Dogg's house making a hash decision while she's highly intoxicated after receiving a threatening call from Tyrone.

It was a Tuesday afternoon and Karen was back in her therapy session after, Dr.Womack did the initial greeting they got right into it. Going back to the long-seated couch, Karen was so, sure to try to focus her mind on where she last had her daughter. She tried to train her brain some more of what to think about when she would go in for this therapy session while she was at home but she didn't wanna overwork herself which would in turn make her sick. So, she just let it be if nothing else was popping up. "So, Karen you know what to do." Dr.Womack said putting her under. "Stay focused. Stay on track." She said and her sisters were right there by her side watching over her while Jacky had the notebook in her purse for later.

Then, her brain took her back to that time.

The flashback:

It was a little after midnight when everyone was asleep. All but Karen was wide awake in Snoop Dogg's house. She had been away from Tyrone for a while now and he had no idea where she was staying at. It was like her location had been censored to him every time he decided to go out and look for her. But when she received a frightening phone call from him about their child together she panicked. It was as if someone snitched on her. Frightened and unaware of what she was doing she took some illegal pills to try to sleep but nothing worked especially not after receiving that phone call. It terrified her especially when she thought back to what he did to their 2-year old at the time. It was insanity. That man was ruthless as the memory replayed inside her mind as she tried to stop thinking about it but nothing was working.

Afraid that he might find her she decided to quietly get ready as she was stumbling over herself as the pills took their effects on her putting on the clothes that she had with her the first time she went to Snoop Dogg's house. It was a little skimpy black outfit which was a black short shimmer dress that showed some cleavage and came high above her knee as she put it on underneath her trench coat that she was planning to wear.

Once she was ready she grabbed her two year old daughter trying to make it down the steps without falling as she held on tightly to the rails trying not to drop her as she made her drunken/high self down the steps quietly opening up his house door. But that didn't mean she was able to get out so, easily. Since her vision was now blurred she was fighting with the doorknob cussing underneath her breath since, Snoop put the child proofs on his door so, the two wouldn't be able to get out and Snoop knew that if she were to get high again that she would have a hell of a time trying to get out and here she was fightin' with the damn doorknob until she got it.

Once she made it outside she tripped her way to the parking lot calling one of the girls to come get her once she was there, Karen threatened one of the girls to not say anything or it was gonna be her ass on the line as she left the house with her child. She had to get her daughter out of this place she was too young to be surrounded by this madness and she didn't want to mess up another one of her kids. So, with taking her child she went to a house that she knew was safe for her as she handed the girl the address on where to go to in L.A.

It was 2am, by the time she arrived to the persons house taking out a piece of paper and a pen she wrote down a quick note putting it deep inside of her car seat in between the blankets hoping that they'll see it.

Getting out of the car, Karen told the girl to "keep the car running and be ready to pull off" she warned her as she took, Veronica out of the car and placed her on the ground with the car door still open. Not knowing what was about to happen the 2-year old looked at her mother as she looked up to see her banging on the door like she was the police while her child was trying to get out of her car seat as she started to whine and call for her. "MAMAAAA!" The child cried and as Karen banged and rung the doorbell one last time she went running back to the car with the girl driving off. Leaving her crying child to fend for herself.

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