A lot of Making Up to Do

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.

Notes: Dorinda and Jacky decide to stop by to apologize to their baby sister about their attitude after having that outer body experience along with having Tamela over.

Sidenote: Listen to the song while reading the chapter because once again it kinda matches.

TW: Mentions of death (There's no death's in this scene just talks of it), and talks of suicide.

It had now been a whole month since the sisters had talked and they felt horrible about how they treated, Karen especially since the experience that they had. They saw at church how, Karen looked as if she was fine just slightly nodding her head to her sisters just to know that she acknowledged their presence but no words were said as only stares came from her end. But they knew on the inside that her spirit was troubled. It was like they haven't heard their sister talk to them in forever but mostly that was their own fault because before things got this bad between them, Karen desperately tried to get her sisters to talk too her. It was as if the little girl in her was still there and they had completely ignored her. So, on Thursday they decided to stop by bringing a peace offering something that they knew, Karen would like from her favorite store just so, they could reduce some of the awkwardness. When they arrived their they saw that Twinkie's car was parked out front as they still talked to her but Twinkie never tried to interfere with them about making up with her because what was the point when they didn't listen to her no way?

So, now Twinkie was only there to make sure that their baby sister was feeling okay and was staying alive since drama and isolation usually would eat her alive and cause damage to her mental health so she stayed to make sure that Karen was okay at the very least. But before they went inside, Tamela decided to pull up seeing that Tia left her jacket over the other day. "Oh, I haven't seen y'all in a while." Tamela said as she greeted the sisters. "Yeah we've been kind of busy." Dorinda lied a bit seeing how they were put through hell and back but only for 2 days and Tamela just nodded her head seeing that it was awkward.

Tamela would've thought that Jacky and Dorinda would've gone back to talking too her at least a few days after the court case was over. But they didn't and it was surprising to Tamela to find that out from Twinkie when she had dropped off Tia the day she came by and after the case was over. Tamela tried talking to Karen about how her intentions were pure and wasn't meant to hurt her. Hell, she even wanted to hold off on the custody battle but Dorinda was pressing her and she was a great help whenever, Jacky couldn't be there to help her file the papers since Jacky was Faith's co-guardian and Tamela was her primary guardian. It was as if Dorinda convinced, Tamela to finally file the papers after forgetting Faith's birthday. When Dorinda wanted to be manipulative she was by any means necessary even using Karen's disorder against hers which cut Karen the deepest because they knew how she couldn't fully control it. But yet decided to ignore that part of it.

So, they rung the doorbell what felt like the first time in forever. Back inside, Karen was just eating a bag of chips already finishing a gallon of ice cream by herself in one sitting. She rolled her eyes knowing that no one else was supposed to be coming by except for Tamela. But she was supposed to be there earlier. If anything she thought she wouldn't have to worry about her sisters making an appearance because at home, Karen just looked a mess. She only looked well put together for the public which was already too much energy being taken from her. But when, Karen opened up the door the look on her face said all.

She took a moment a bit confused as to why her sisters were even there in the first place as she looked back at Twinkie thinking that she invited them in. "Tamela." Karen said and Tam just nodded her head as Karen let her in but stepped to the side blocking her sisters when Kaeren looked back at Twinkie. "What is it?" They heard, Twinkie's voice from afar on the other side as she leaned her head back to see who was the door. "Oh, I ain't invite them but hey."

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