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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.

Notes: Tamela and David have to go back to GEI for an engagement that was booked months ago before Karen was even paralyzed by their manager for a church concert. And someone special gives Karen some encouragement she needs to keep moving forward and Jacky, Karen, and Tamela actually comes to a new agreement at the end of this chapter or at least a new understanding of each other.

~Sidenote: The song fits with this chapter and I think we all need some healing from that last chapter so, I would like for y'all to listen to it at the same time cause it'll make more sense and this is a very long chapter so, take y'alls time and some of y'all goin' ham on what Tamela and Jacky did. Which I love but we'll see if they'll work everything out.

Emotional (but in a lil fluff sense way near the end), Holy Ghost (Because we some scary cats when we younger so, IYKYK 😫). This is also a long chapter.

It was a Thursday night and the Mann's was getting ready for the church concert. Well all except for Faith. "Faith are you almost ready?" Tamela asked her as she knocked on her room door. But then when she came in she seen, Faith just sitting criss-crossed on her bed not even ready. "Girl we got like 20 minutes you can get ready in 10." Tam said knowing she can if she really wanted to but she just gave her a look. "Do I really have to go?" Faith asked her again whining. "Yess they want the wholeee family there that means you too." Tamela told her and Faith just looked her with a knowing face. "But I'm not even related. I shouldn't have to go and I'm pretty sure my birth mother doesn't want to see me either I just make her mad. You could just tell them I got sick or something" Faith said shrugging her shoulders. "Now, Faith you know I'm not telling no story at no church." She said and then she came in shutting the room door behind her sitting on her bed.

"Look I know tonight is gonna be a little awkward but you don't even have to think about Ka-herrr tonight." Tamela said knowing that if she had mentioned, Karen's name, Faith would start crying in a second and then they would never leave this house. But instead, Faith just sniffled at the beginning of her mother's name that wasn't fully mentioned and Faith just shook her head no. "I don't belong anywhere." Faith said feeling greatly misplaced after she just felt like she lost her birth mother forever after that last argument and still torn between two homes her auntie's whom she loved dearly but knew she still had to watch over her baby sister and Tamela who she know affectionately called, "Mommy or ma" because Tamela did everything that Karen was supposed to do for her and then, what was going on at school whenever she had to go too the public school nearby, Karen's house.

"Faith you do belong and you belong here with us even though you're not mine biologically I was still supposed to have you the day that you were born but then that happened and then, later on I got you and I won't let anyone mistreat you." Tamela said. "So, you can just stick next to me the whole night it'll be okay." Tamela told her trying to make her feel safer. And so, with saying that Tamela made sure that Faith got ready afraid to leave her in her room since she saw some warning signs after the fight that Faith and Karen had and she don't know what Karen said to her but she noticed that Faith wasn't really keeping up with making sure she was at least put together or ate. She didn't know how she would react seeing Karen again but she knew she had to keep a level head for the sake of Faith.

Once they got to the church, Faith made sure she stayed close by to Tamela with Tia and the rest of their kids next to Faith as well as David. When they went inside the church it was already half-way full as they had gone through the back to get in so, they wouldn't cause a commotion. "Welcome, welcome." Some of the church members said who worked the staff taking them to where they needed to be and even though Faith knew this church like the back of her hand she still stuck close to Tamela not wanting to leave her side as they were brought to the Bishop's office and suddenly, Faith started getting sweaty as her mind went back to when she was a child. "Get that bastard child out of here." She could hear her mother telling her adopted father and Dorinda was quick to cover her ears. "Karen that is a child." She remembered, Drew saying to her but it seemed that it only made her madder while Dorinda did the best she could to shield her from what was happening. And after remembering that moment, Faith quickly held onto her mama's hand and Tamela swiftly looked down at her pulling her into a side hug kissing her on her forehead.

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