A Tragedy P2..

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.

Notes: The family tries to re-adjust to Karen being paralyzed and there's more details on Tyrone's death.

After, Drew had got her ready for today after, Jacky washed her he took her out into the living room having already asked her where she wanted to go. At first he thought she might've wanted to be at the kitchen table with her mother-in-law and sister but that was a no. Even when in her condition, Karen still didn't want to be around a lot of people even if those people were her family. So, Drew did what he had done for the last few days which was take her out of her wheelchair and place her on the couch and thus that was apart of her routine that the doctor said, to make. Although he did mean taking her outside for some fresh air every now and then but knowing Karen that wasn't going to happen with her famous status. If anything the only fresh air she was going to be getting now is sitting out in her backyard.

After becoming paralyzed even though it's only been a few days everything really did change for her as she now didn't want to go out anywhere except for her therapy sessions which she went back to hating because even that had to change. When Drew had first let, Dr.Womack know what happened before she heard about it on the news she asked if she needed to make the sessions a home-visit? But since her doctor recommended that it would still be good for her to go out if she didn't want to get out for fresh-air he recommended that just have the waiting area be private and so, that meant her times of going in from the afternoon sessions changed to the morning sessions and boy did, Karen have a fit about having to get up early in the morning to go see her therapist.

"DREW WHAT YOU MEAN THE TIMES CHANGED?!" Karen hollered at him after he told her what happened. "Well those are the only times where no one else comes in." Drew said. "Well, why didn't you just make it a home-visit?" Karen yelled at him as she was getting even more annoyed by the minute. "Because the doctor said-" Drew started to say but then, Karen cut him off. "You and that damn doctor." Karen barked. "Be glad I can't move I would've smacked you upside your head by now!" Karen yelled at him. "You think I wanna see that woman first thing when I wake up in the morning?!" Karen yelled at him again sighing. "Karen it's only to help you get better."

Drew said while Karen said the last part. "Ughh I know, I know. You know what just leave me alone. Go back to work or do something else." Karen said closing her eyes. "Babe you know I'm not gonna do that." Drew said. "But you really should or go somewhere else in the house." Karen scolded him as she was only able to move her neck slowly to the side. "Look I know you're in pain and hate having to do this but we'll get through it." Drew said, "And in no time you gonna be back to normal smacking me upside my head." Drew said as leaned into kiss her on her forehead which was just habit for him at this point so, it was no use in trying to stop just because she couldn't feel it for now. "And another thing you start occupational therapy next week." Drew told her. "So, it's gonna be a busy week next week." Drew told her and Karen just rolled her eyes.

"Be glad it's not physical therapy yet." He said, "Although they might throw some in there." Drew said and Karen got out of her thoughts thinking back to when, Drew told her this morning after she had a fit about getting out of bed all early. Which she didn't see a point in doing anymore since she couldn't move.

When dinner time came later that day, Karen had wanted to go back in the room an hour before just so, she wouldn't be seen out. Of course the kids saw their mom the first day she came back home but she didn't want to join them for dinner. It was embarrassing having to have someone else feed you when you're a grown woman. She would rather had starved to death or bled out. She thought back to when she had the gun in her hand in no intentions were she suicidal or at least she didn't think that she was because the only thing that was on her mind was trying to get rid of him for good after he abused and taunted her even in her own home. She needed something that would make him go away for a long time just in case shooting him didn't work.

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