Marital counseling P1

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.

Notes: Drew and Karen come in for their first martial counseling session after the Family has their time to see how, Karen progressed and how to work with her. But now, it's time for them to be completely honest with each other.

TW: Mentions of abuse

When, Drew and Karen arrived to the clinic, Karen kept stealing glances at Drew as they walked in. She thought to herself that sure they were fine now. She knew they weren't fine when she had came back home after a while but they had just wanted to enjoy the moment the first night that she did come back home from her seven-year absence were there things that they needed to work on that Drew never brought up with her because of her disorder or did they just work on it like a normal healthy couple did. Now, she wasn't so, sure as she knew she was about to find out in a couple of minutes.

When they were called back Karen and Drew sat in the same seats they were normally sit in with Karen in the left chair and Drew in the right greeting, Dr.Womack who was sitting behind her desk as she told them what today's session had in-store for them. While she was talking she was getting ready to already take some notes down as she pulled her open notepad close up towards her with her pen in hand ready for work as she got into her past with Tyrone since she knew, Ronnie was gonna have more questions for her mother and she knew, that Drew was feeling some type of way after yesterday's session when Karen spoke highly of the man who abused her.

"Do you miss him?" Dr. Womack asked her and Karen scrunched up her face. "No I don't miss him why would I miss the person who abused me" Karen rhetorically asked her getting all defensive. "Because it's a common feeling with those who have Stockholm syndrome." Dr.Womack told her "it's nothing to be ashamed of we just have to be mindful of it." She told, Karen who was now tensed.

"Let me ask you this did you ever develop any type of feelings for him?" She asked her.
"It's okay if you have" and Karen kinda fidgeted in her seat a little bit as Drew looked at his wife.

"Maybe?" Karen said. "Kinda." She went on. "Once or twice okay." Karen finally admitted. "But that was when I was pregnant with Ronnie and he started being nicer to me during that time." Karen said. "And I thought he really did love me then." Karen told them. "But it wasn't like I still willingly slept with him. It was just that I gave him a baby like he wanted." Karen said shrugging her shoulders and both and Drew and Dr.Womack was concerned about her.

"Next question how was the intercourse?" She asked her seeing if Karen carried any of that into her marriage. "It was never sweet" Karen said thinking back to how her and Drew would make love vs how Tyrone treated her. "It was always rough with him." She admitted. "Very rough." She added on and Drew looked at his wife once again tilting his head. "I-I think I got used to it after a while and it wasn't that bad." Karen said and both Dr.Womack and Drew looked at each other with their eyes widening. "I mean I guess it stopped hurting after a while and was kind of pleasurable." Karen admitted and Drew cleared his throat.

"What?" She said looking at the both of them. "How's the sex in your marriage?" She asked, Drew "compared to when your wife came home." She questioned him.
"It's a lot more different than when we were first married." Drew told her and Karen looked at him arching an eyebrow not realizing their sex life did in fact change.

"When we first got married we didn't have a lot of rough sex he said it was either sweet or angry sex." Drew said. "And Karen didn't really take control that much like she does now." He said and suddenly Karen was offended. "Wait a damn minute?!" Karen barked, "You saying I was a soft bitch in bed?" Karen interrogated him. "No I'm not saying that I just noticed a different" Drew said trying to defend himself. "Karen let him talk." Dr.Womack said and Karen rolled her eyes and folded her arms while she was sitting down.

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