Private Family Court Hearing

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.

Notes: Today's the day that the court decides if Faith will be staying with Karen or Tamela. It's kinda a long chapter.

Sidenote: Y'all can play the song at anytime because I think it fits.

TW: Lost of breath and screaming.

It's been a week since the last time the sisters were all together after the brawl and since, Karen had seen Faith. Now, as wanted Faith had been calling her mother since, Jacky or Tamela would make up an excuse about why Faith couldn't go see her when Karen said it was okay. She even talked to her sisters about it as cordial as they could be since everything was just highly tensed with them. "Jacky let me see my child." Karen said as she tried to advocate on Faith's behalf since she was told know she always had to go do X,Y and Z. But then when she would do those things in a timely matter and correct the first time to go see her mother she still wasn't allowed to go over and so, Karen knew something was up and so, she decided to call her sisters and Tamela herself. "No, we don't feel comfortable about leaving Faith with you."

Jacky said as she shook her head no over the phone and Karen couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Jacky that fight was months ago and since then we have clearly, made up." Karen said trying not yell at her big sister since the custody battle was soon approaching. "Jacky are you and Tamela trying to keep me from my child?" Karen asked her coming straight up with it "because you know Faith isn't going to like that and y'all wanted me to have a relationship with her and now that I'm actually at that point y'all don't want it to go any further." Karen said.

"What's the problem?" Karen smartly asked her. "I just told you what the problem was Karen so, what you have hearing problems now too?" Jacky said getting smart right back at her and Karen internally sighed. "If anything you can just call, Faith but not after 8pm she needs to focus on her homework and her extracurricular activities." Jacky said as Karen knew, Tamela and Jacky was never this difficult before. "You gotta about 20 minutes to talk too your daughter so, she can focus since she's been struggling at that school you sent her too." Jacky said. "I'm a hang the phone so, you can talk to her now for that amount of time." Jacky told her saying bye and Karen rolled her eyes wiping her tears because she was really about to start crying.

When she called her, Jacky was right there in the kitchen while Faith talked to her mother after she was done she hung up as said. "What's wrong with mom she sounded like she was crying?" Faith asked looking at her auntie Jacky. "Nothing's wrong with her sweetie she's just going through it is all she'll get over it." She said going back to cooking dinner as Faith was finishing up her homework. But when dinner started, Angel had kind of an attitude towards her mother and Faith had no idea what was going on. "Little girl what you not finna do is disrespect me in my own house." Jacky said in a stern, strict voice that scared, Angel making her stop her eye rolling and rough passing every time, Jacky asked for something and she saw how, Angel's behavior was changing. "Chileee you can be mad all you want to but you best not let that mouth say anything smart to me because I'm a pop you right in it!" Jacky warned her. "Dad do you hear her?" She asked their father. "Listen to your mother I'm not in this mess do what your brothers are doin' cause this ain't your battle you can fight little girl." He reminded her.

"BUT IT'S WRONG WHAT Y'ALL DID!" Angel hollered and Jacky popped her straight on. "GO TO YOUR ROOM!" Jacky yelled at her daughter. "GLADLYYY!!!" She stormed out screaming "AND THAT DOOR BETTA NOT BE LOCKED'T WHEN I COME UP THERE EITHER!" Jacky yelled at her. "Aaron go get my belt" Jacky said as she was pissed off and Aaron ran to his mother's room finding her good belt not knowing why Angel was acting like that. Once dinner was over, Jacky was in her daughter's room whoopin' her ass.

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