Dr.Womack P2.

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.


Dr.Womack puts Karen under hypnosis to see if she could unlock the trauma of the parts that her brain tucked away.

TW: Mentions of sexual assault, being drugged, extreme violence, groping, and guns.

"Welcome back, Karen." Dr.Womack said as Karen sat down in that same seat which she hasn't sat in for over 2 years. "How are we doing today?" She asked her and Karen just stared at her tilting her head as she knew, Karen wasn't having any of it. "Karen your family is only doing this because they care about you and they want your mental state to be healthy." Dr.Womack said with a smile and Karen loosened up a bit as she turned over to see her sisters there once again. "I'm fine." She said a bit bitterly and Dr.Womack saw how, Karen's hands were tapping on the armrests. "Are you sure you're fine?" She asked, Karen and Karen pursed her lips balling them up. "Well since you want honesty." Karen said turning back towards her.

"I don't wanna be here." Karen said. "And why is that?" Dr.Womack asked her calmly as she knew, Karen was still trying to process her feelings from what her family had told, Dr.Womack. "Because it feels like a lie." Karen gritted through her teeth as she felt the anger radiating beneath, Karen. "Well it wasn't a lie that you did progress with your disorder." Dr.Womack said, "We just want to make sure that nothing else is going on." She said. "But before we dig in deeper into this session I would like for all of us to do a five minute meditation to calm our breathing." Dr.Womack said as she led it and once that was over they got to work.

One of the second things that they did was discuss how, Karen had been functioning at home with bringing new three new babies into the world making sure that she didn't suffer from postpartum depression and none of which was found in the evaluation. So, that was a good thing. But her regular depression was still there but it was being managed by her medication that she had been taking for over a year now.

Then, they discussed her forgetting things. "So, when did it first happened that you realized you forgot your name?" Dr.Womack had asked her. "That's the thing I don't remember." Karen said as she bit her nails. "The only one where I remember was last week and a few days before my wonderful sisters and husband wanted to tell me that I was going to back to therapy against my will." Karen snarkly said as she rolled her eyes at her sisters who were in the room but they just ignored her knowing this was for her own good not letting it bother them.

"Do you know how long you'd forget your name?" Dr.Womack asked her. "Only for a little while it feels like." Karen said. "Maybe nothing longer then five minutes." She said shrugging her shoulders. "But it's not like I completely forgot who I was like my sisters and husband probably told you." Karen said shaking her head in disbelief. "Lies." Dorinda said calling her out. "But y'all act like it's for a whole damn year when I forget." Karen lightly, hollered at them as she leaned back in the chair eyeing her sisters. "She'll forget for longer than five minutes and her kids started to notice. Kierra was the second one to pick up on it after, Jacky noticed it." Dorinda said finna to tell it all. "It's dangerous to be forgetting that type of information when we're not around to help you" Dorinda said folding her arms as she was worried for her baby sister.

And Karen just rolled her eyes focusing back her attention to her psychiatrist and during these instances did you come up with another name?" Dr.Womack asked her. "Yeah, but it's only because it was my stage name when I crossed-over into the R&B world. I didn't want to use Karen I just needed something new." Karen said. "People knew that I was Karen Clark-Sheard, I knew I was Karen Clark-Sheard but they also, knew to call me by, Quintella as I've had all of my secular music registered under that name. It's not like I was actually a completely different person with a different birth day or age and different likings where are y'all trying to get at?" Karen asked looking at her sisters as she was truly hurt.

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