Peace....for now

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.

Notes: Things have been peaceful for the Clark Sisters and the Sheards as of lately until someone comes to disturb their peace.

~Sidenote: Look at how cute our baby looks for today. 🥰♥️

It was been a peaceful following weeks after, Drew and Karen had got back into the motions of having sex. Even now so, than before after they've had their Family therapy, martial counseling and sex therapy sessions it's been better than ever and, Karen was like a prey to Drew every time they would get into the mix. He loved being inside of his wife as it made them both happy even after the mini procedure was done, Karen had to admit that she was feeling a lot better now and that they didn't have to go as rough as they were going before. She could now, leave that mindset alone and could actually enjoy sex for what it was before she had left. It took awhile to put it to rest but they did it and they had a much healthier sex life because of it and the comparisons to Tyrone had since stopped which they were both happy about.

"Eww look at you walking in here like that." Dorinda said as they seen her baby sister try to walk in like her and Drew haven't been getting it on lately. "Mind yo business Doe." Karen playfully pointed towards her sister as they walked into the Bishop's office. "Now, y'all know y'all not supposed to be doing that the night before we can always tell especially, me." Doe said pointing to herself and Karen just playfully shrugged once more. "Now she's all happy after, Drew done put that thang in her made her act right." Jacky teased and Karen let out a light chuckle after they had to deal with a crying Karen last month just because she wasn't getting any from Drew because of the procedure.

"Enough about me, I'm y'all's First Lady we ain't here for that we supposed to be talkin' about Jesus." Karen said as she tried to change the subject. "But how can we focus on Jesus when you comin' in here tryin' not to wobble." Twinkie pointed out and Karen just hid her face in shame as all the sisters started laughing as they waited for the rest of the church members who were apart of the staff and board meeting to get there. But the chatter and giggles soon died out as more members started to pour into, Drew's office as they talked to Karen.

"How have you been, First Lady?" One of the members asked her knowing that she had a procedure done but they didn't know what for since she wasn't in church for a few weeks after it. So, Karen got up and hugged the woman. "I've been fine thank you asking." Karen said as she gave her a soft smile. "I see you've healed quite nicely after the procedure." One of the other members said as they came and gave her another hug. "Yes, I did. Thank God it was a quick and speedy recovery." Karen smiled as she put her hand underneath her chin. "Everything's alright at home?" One of the younger women asked her who was always after, Drew seeing that Karen had just had a procedure and Karen tried not to roll her eyes. "Yes, everything is fine we're in paradise." Karen said giving her a bigger smile than she did the others and she turned her head to slightly, roll her eyes.

"Mmmhm I thought you were gonna be out sick again we really weren't expecting you back this quick." She goes onto say and Karen just pursed her lips. "You know the Bishop needed a lot of help and I offered to help him during y'alls time of need." She says as she decides to pause to try to make Karen mad and Karen just look at her sisters and her sisters look back at her and at the woman. "I'm sure my sisters and everyone else were able to help him if he needed any help at all and my husband tells me everything about what goes on at this church and I know he didn't need any of your help since, he have other help. But thank you for asking." Karen said giving her a sweet smile at the end.

"And I was gonna come visit you at the hospital after your surgery but things just got so, busy around here without you being the First Lady and the church was just lacking." She said and Dorinda put her finger up underneath her nose like something stunk as she looked towards Jacky and whispered to her. "This heffa got one mo' time to say something smart to Karen before I's jump across this table and take her out my own self." Doe whispered to Jacky. "You understand me?!" Jacky whispered back agreeing as she pumped fists with Dorinda and Twinkie just grabbed her purse looking back at the stank heffa getting a little close to her. "Listen, listen Tiffany. Why don't you focus on what your duty is in this meetin' because we got the church ova here. Okayy." Twinkie told her as she pulled the girls chair closer to her giving her a look that said, 'Don't make me talk to you again.'

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