It keeps happening

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.

Notes: Drew and the family tries to get Karen to come out of her room after it's been a few months of her staying in there and refusing to leave. Since they had came back home from being at their grandmother's house. Drew notices that Karen's isolation has gotten to the point where it's unhealthy as it started to affect her mental health in the worst way possible.


Mentions of Psych wards. Self-harming. Nervous breakdown.

It might be hard to read as in emotionally so, I would just warn y'all to brace yourself before reading and while y'all are reading.

"Drew please don't make me go downstairs." Karen begged him. "I can't do it." She cried. "Baby but you've been in this room every since..."Drew started to say seeing that his wife really couldn't take leaving their room. "It's been months we're worried about you. You don't wanna have dinner with the family?" Drew gently asked her knowing that it wasn't healthy for her to isolate herself in this room as Karen started shaking out of the thought the very of thought of having go back downstairs. "I-I do but I can't my body won't let me." Karen cried as she put both her hands over her face sobbing.

"Do you think I like being stuck in here?" She rhetorically asked Drew through her weeping tears and Drew saw just how much that she was struggling with staying at home let alone just leaving out of their room. "I keep thinking about him every time I try to leave out." Karen cried in her raspy voice. "And I feel safer when I'm in here." Karen said almost hyperventilating.

"So, no I can't do it and I won't do it!" Karen hollered at him "and fuck you too if you think I should still leave!" Karen hollered at him. "Get the HELL OUT!" Karen yelled at him not being able to stand anybody right and Drew just stared at her.

Seeing how she started shaking and crying again because she was to afraid too leave her own room after what happened inside of her own house. "Come here baby." Drew gently said as he took her in his arms but then she started crying even more and started hollering pushing him away while she beat him on his chest all of this concerned him because of how heavily she was crying but then when he tried calling her name and talking to her too see if she would respond whether it would be by a hit, shove when he called her name but she didn't do any of those things knowing that his wife needed immediate help.

As he felt her getting more angrier by the second while her heart rate sped up and then she slowly just lost it. Back downstairs the family was trying not to listen to what was happening upstairs. Until it got to the point where Jacky roughly scooted her chair back making it screech. "I'm going up there." Jacky said as he put her utensils down. "But auntie, mommm!" The kids cried for her. "Let her go. Let her go she got this" Mama Sheard said stopping them as the kids and their cousins were afraid of what was happening and what was about to happen after hearing muffled sounds of their mother and auntie Karen having a fit.

They didn't know exactly what was going on but they knew it was serious.

So, when Jacky finally came in she didn't even try to knock on the door at first knowing that something was obviously wrong with Karen and when she came in Drew was just about to call one of them for help seeing that Karen was on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

"I'm a call the clinic." Jacky said watching her baby sister go through pain and Karen screamed again for Drew to get off of her to stop her from holding her but he couldn't let go as he didn't trust his wife in this state that she was in especially since Karen's tears were making her vision blurry.

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