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Purple Hyacinth | Chapter 06

[ Wow! You really did finish the special scenario!]

Bihyung the dokkaebi appeared in the air above.

"Oh you're that cute and fluffy but devilish and diabolical creature. The special scenario needs some fixing there are's glitches and a few minor errors but a good scenario nonetheless." (Y/n) spoke casually, walking.

The dokkaebi was taken aback with the response but soon laughed maniacally.

[ What an interesting people I've met today ]

He spoke, he had just finished signing a contract with Kim Dokja— who was inside an ichthyosaur’s stomach just a couple of days ago.

[ The special scenario was in its developmental stage so we apologize for some errors ]

He spoke sweetly. (Y/n) knew that he was mocking her.

[ Rest assured that the incoming special scenarios would be better. You know, it was supposed to be a suicide task.]

"I know. And yet here I am. Aren't I so great?" She asked the bewildered creature.

[ For a mere human, you are rather boastful]

"That's because I have the right to be one." Her tough acts would've been more believable if her hands weren't shaking. She knew damn well her head could explode in the presence of those. . . things.

[ Hey why aren't you using a healing potion? ]

[ The constellation 'Tirek' says that '(Y/n) (L/n) is a masochist ]

[ Doesn't matter as long as you don't die yet! You've helped my channel grow so much! Should I thank you?]

"Hah, no need," she said, entertaining the dokkaebi's taunts.

[ The constellation 'Demon-like Judge of Fire' admires your calmness ]

[You have entered the region of the second main scenario.]

[The land in the scenario area is deeply polluted.]

[ Well, do your best ]

The dokkaebi disappeared.

(Y/n) coughed and coughed, inhaling the fucking toxic air that she tried to keep away by flapping her hand in the air.

[ The constellation 'Spirit of Chaos' is laughing at your misery ]

(Y/n) raised her middle finger and held up her hand facing the sky. "I took swimming as my main sport in high school, bitch."  she inhaled deeply and holds her breath.

[Be careful about your breathing and move underground as quickly as possible.]

[You have been exposed to poisonous fog.]

'Fuck' (Y/n) saw a convenience store and strode towards it. She practically ran around with a huge tote bag, picking up things like goods and survival shits while trying to find a gas mask. Are they even gas masks in convenience stores?

There was none, and she could only hold her breath for just a little longer. She looked at her skin that is in a bad condition.

'Shit. I have a healing potion anyway so it should be fine.' she placed down the tote bag and tore her vest, tying the fabric around her head to cover her mouth and nose, her eyes were the only ones visible.

[ A few constellations are betting whether you'd survive or not ]

'Then the ones who place bets for my demise would lose money, fucking shits.' (Y/n) ran with the bag full of necessities. She just ran and ran.

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